Chapter Four/ Carina

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Hello, Lovelies, 

I know it has been a while. The explanation is I had Covid in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. Unfortunately, it led to long covid and I had brain fog that affected my ability to write. Also, I had deaths in my family and my special needs son went through a bad school and I had to fight for him. Since then, my son is in a good school and life is much easier on that front. A few weeks ago, I woke up and everything was clear for the first time in years. Do I have a fear that the brain fog will return? Yes. However, since then, I have posted and finished one book, Tempted (Book 5) The Brazil Werewolf Series as well as Edited and Published Sparked. 

That leads me to Sparked. Unfortunately, I need an income to finish writing. To do that, I chose one of my series which was The Silver Grove Academy Series and decided to edit and publish it. That means it will no longer be on Wattpad. I have left up books 2 and 3 for those who were reading it to finish. The series is now called The Silver Grove Legacy Series. So far it will be available in ebook and print on Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Apple books, Scribd, Tolino, Overdrive, Bibliotheca, Baker & Taylor, Odilo, Vivlio, Borrowbox and Smashwords. It will also be available in paperback. 

I will be finishing Dirty Little Player over the next few weeks. I hope you enjoy this book and I hope you understand what has happened. I hope you know that I always intended to finish. I just had to get well enough to do it. I will be going slow so I won't be working on nine series at a time. I'll finish this one and go back to work on book 6 of The Brazil Werewolf and figure out where I am going from there. As soon as I know, I'll let you know. 

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

-XXXX Amanda 


I stared at the money as Gideon sped away. I frowned glancing from the bills to the now empty spot where Gideon's car had been. It wasn't like Gideon to give this much money to the waitstaff. He was always a good tipper but nothing like this.

I narrowed my eyes wondering what he was playing at. There had to be some alternative reason why he would give me this much money. I hoped he didn't think he could pay me for whatever dirty deeds were in his mind. I turned on my heel and walked back into the restaurant, finding Nica busy.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the kitchen, waiting beside the grill for Becca to notice my presence. She paused when she saw me standing there with the money in my hand.

"Did you come to tip me?" She asked, grinning.

"No. Gideon left this for me," I said, but even I could hear the baffled suspicion in my voice.

Becca raised a brow. The smile slid from her face, darkening to sadness. "Victor, can you take over for me for a while?" She asked, the middle aged man who was her second chef in the kitchen.

"Of course, Becca," he said, moving into her place.

"Do you have any tables, right now?" Becca asked.

"No, I was going on break as soon as Gideon left," I said, shifting because Becca was acting strange.

"Good," she said, taking a deep breath. "I think we need to talk."

She led me to the break room she had made specifically for us so the customers wouldn't bother us while on break or lunch and sat down at one of the tables in the corner. I sat across from her, my stomach swirling because the money didn't come with an easy explanation.

"Is this an attempt of trying to seduce me?" I asked but even as I said the words it didn't feel quite right.

"No," Becca said, her eyes shadowed. "Gideon is going through something that is causing him to change."

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