Chapter 25

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It had been a long five months for Jughead and Betty trying to figure out who was plotting the destruction of Riverdale, why they were plotting it, and how the two of them were going to stop it. They still didn't know who, why, or how. Frankly, the two of them were exhausted from doing all that research these last five months. They felt like they were no closer to a breakthrough in this mystery.

"This doesn't make any sense Juggie. Who could be plotting the destruction of the town? What is their motive? How are we going to stop this?" Betty said, almost breaking down in tears out of stress.

"I want to know what's going on too. Trust me, we're going to figure out what's going on. For now, maybe we should take a break. Maybe go on vacation with the kids for a while, and just relax. We've been really stressed about this. Maybe we just need some rest and relaxation before we can figure out what's happening in Riverdale." Jughead suggested.

"If we do that Jug, the person behind this could plot the destruction and go through with it. No. We have to keep going. Maybe after we figure this out we can go on a vacation for a while and relax. I don't want to leave town until I know that we kept it safe. It's not like the police are doing anything about this. Hell, even after months of reporting on it, the police aren't doing anything. Even in interviews, they're saying that they're going to catch the culprit but they're not actually doing anything. This is all on us. Maybe we need some help trying to figure this out." Betty said.

"What are you suggesting? Are you implying something Bets?" Jughead asked.

"I'm saying we need to call Archie, Veronica, Cheryl, Toni, and Kevin and get them working on this too. Maybe with their help, we can solve this and stop the destruction of the town." Betty told him.

"You really think they can help?" Jughead asked.

"It's worth a try Jug." Betty replied.

"Alright. I'll call Archie in the morning, it's late. We should get some sleep." Jughead said, slowly starting to drift off.

"Alright, I'll call Cheryl and Kev in the morning." Betty said, struggling to keep her eyes open.

Jughead turned off the light and fell asleep. He fell asleep rather quickly that night. Betty fell asleep soon after Jughead did. But she didn't sleep very well.

Betty's nightmare:

Where is everyone? Why is the town in flames? Did the destruction of the town already happen? No! No this can't be real!

"Oh, but it is Betty." Someone said from the shadows.

"Who's there?" Betty called out.

"You don't recognize my voice Elizabeth? How very disappointing." The person said.

"Mom? " Betty asked, starting to feel her eyes watering.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" Alice asked.

"No! This is impossible! You're in jail for abusing me while I was growing up!" Betty screamed.

"Nothing is impossible Elizabeth. I broke out. Thanks to you." Alice said, smiling a devious grin.

"That's impossible. I would never break you out of jail." Betty said crying.

"Oh, but you did Elizabeth. And now, the blood of everyone in this town is on your hands. Including your husband and your children. Along with your best friends, your cousins, and their kids. You know, I should thank you Elizabeth. Without your help, none of this would have been possible." Alice told Betty.

"No! No! This isn't real!" Betty screamed.

"It is Elizabeth. You can't fight this. No matter how much you hated me for abusing you, you never stopped loving me Elizabeth. You broke me out, you did all of this Elizabeth. You did it all for me." Alice said and started laughing maniacally.

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