Ch 11: Marry Him

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A few more days later...

Sokka POV

After landing in a new area, we were welcomed with a meteor shower. All of us laid on a smooth, inclining rock and watched as streaks of blue cut across the black sky. 

"Wow, this is amazing to watch," Katara said. 

"Kind of makes you realize how insignificant we are," I thought aloud. 

"Or how special we must be to exist alongside such majesty," Y/n said next to me. Wow, she has the best takes on things. 

"Eh, you've seen nothing once, you've seen it a thousand times," Toph said and that reminded me that she was blind. Oops.

All of a sudden, a much large blue light appeared, hurdling towards the earth much quicker. We all sat up quickly. 

"You've never not seen anything like this," I said, mesmerized by the glowing projectile. Upon closer inspection, we realized it was a meteor, and we watched as it crashed into the ground a few hundred feet from us. 

The resulting explosion shook the ground and started a fire. We all hopped on Appa and went to go check it out. 

"The fire is gonna destroy that town," Y/n pointed out and we landed to help. Toph, Aang, and I jumped off of Appa and Katara took Appa's reigns and went with Y/n to the river to get water. 

"Let's make a trench to keep the fire from coming any closer," Aang said to Toph and they took off. I looked around with my machete in hand. 

"What should I do?" I asked, mostly serious but I didn't know if I wanted a real answer to that. The real answer I got was to look after Momo. Great, I'm the lemur-sitter

Aang and Toph did their job of making the trench and Katara and Y/n came back with an enormous water bubble. They rained it down on the fire, putting most of it out easily. Dang, I really couldn't do anything.

"Sokka! Stand clear!" Aang yelled and I got up from my sitting position next to the fire and grabbed Momo. 

"Right, stand clear. Got it," I mumbled in response. I didn't move quick enough because I was still flooded with a blast of water. After it drowned me, the water hit the fire and then rained down in a cloud of snow. Something that buried me again. 

Y/n came over to me, sliding on the ice gracefully and pulled me out of the snow pile. 

"That was fun wasn't it?" She laughed and for once I couldn't match her energy. I feel pretty useless right now. 

"Good work team. Now let's hit the hay," Aang said and we made camp right there and went to sleep.

The next day... 


Sokka's been down since yesterday and it was starting to worry me. Sokka's usually pretty expressive and in a whirlwind too. It's weird for him to stay in a depressive state for this long. 

We went into the nearby town, the one we saved from the meteor fire, and found a place to get lunch, but Sokka wouldn't even sit with us. 

"The worst thing about being in disguise is we don't get the hero worship anymore. I miss the love," Toph said in regards to no one in the town knowing that we saved their butts. 

"Boo hoo, poor heroes," Sokka said from his spot on the balcony.

"What's up with you? You haven't even touched your smoked sea slug," Katara asked. 

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