Ch 6: Choices

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The Avatar had arrived on his sky bison and his arrival seemed to put Sokka in an off mood. 

"Sokka, I know this sounds crazy but I think there's trouble back at the palace. I think it's Katara," Aang semi-explained. Sokka gasped and then turned to his dad. Chief Hakoda nodded.

"Go help your sister, Sokka. We'll all be reunited again soon," he told his son and he pulled him in for a tight hug that almost brought tears to my eyes. 

Sokka POV

I hugged my dad for what could be the last time. No, we're not going to think like that. Positive attitude. 

"Sokka listen to me. Take Y/n with you. She's been through some things that I'm sure she hasn't told you, but I think traveling with you and the others will be good for her. When she comes to you with her burdens, I want you to be there for her," my dad whispered to me. I looked up at him confused. 

"Uh, ok dad. But what makes you think she'll come to me?" I asked. He smiled and ruffled my hair. 

"Your father is a wise man. Now go, and take care of your sister," he told me. I nodded, giving him a final hug before turning back to Aang and Y/n. 

"Y/n, will you come with us this time?" I asked her, wanting to present her the choice. She nodded without missing a beat. 

"Yes, let's go make sure your sister is alright," she said and I mouthed a 'thank you' to her. 

I helped her onto Appa's back and Aang smiled in thanks to her too. 

Then we took off. 


"So what kind of trouble is Katara in?" Sokka asked Aang. 

"I don't know. In my vision, I just knew she needed help," Aang replied. Sokka sighed. 

"It'd be nice if your Avatar powers could be just a little more specific from time to time," he said sarcastically. I ignored their banter and looked over the side of Appa, noticing a moving rock formation. 

"Um guys," I said and when they looked back at me I pointed down towards the ground. Aang directed Appa to follow the mobile earth, and when we got close we noticed it was a girl. An earthbender girl. 

"Need a ride?" Sokka shouted and that startled the girl and she fell off her rocks. Appa landed next to where the girl fell and we all got off. 

"Who's this?" The girl asked as Sokka helped her up. 

"This is Y/n. We met her back when we met Jet. She was the one who helped me stop Jet from flooding a village. Y/n, this is Toph. Aang's earthbending teacher who we all forget is blind," Sokka introduced, earning a punch in the arm from Toph. I smiled anyway. 

"Nice to meet you, Toph," I said and she smiled at me. 

"She sounds fun. I like her," she said and I giggled. Aang rushed us back on Appa and we started flying back to the city. Toph asked if Aang had mastered the Avatar state and his answer was hesitant. 

"I completely mastered the Avatar state," he said and then he laughed nervously. You know what? Not my place to ask. 

Soon we reached the Upper Ring and Aang flew straight into the palace grounds. It was a surprise with how easy we waltzed into the palace, there wasn't a guard in sight to stop us. I don't think that's just because of familiarity. 

"Y/n, why'd you stop?" Sokka asked and that's when I noticed I stopped in the hallway to look around. I shook off the uneasy feeling I had. 

"Nothing, sorry," I said, running to catch up. Once we reached the Earth King's chamber, Aang presented his concerns. 

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