Ch 30: Reality

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Sokka POV 

Y/n held my hand as she led me through the theatre. Somehow she knew every twist and turn, and just how to avoid being seen. 

"How do you know this place so well?" I asked her. She squeezed my hand.

"When Zuko and I's families used to come here, my mother would always show me around. I was more interested in how everything worked than the actual show and she made sure my curiosity was sated," she told me. I stopped her and pulled her in for a quick hug, placing a kiss on her forehead. 

"Your mom's a pretty cool lady," I told her and she smiled at me. I let her go and she continued leading me, taking me down a staircase until we got to the area directly behind the stage. We peaked out from behind the wall.


"He's coming over here," I whispered to Sokka. He jumped out of our hiding spot and approached his actor. 

"Hi, I'm a big Sokka fan, but I don't think you're representing him quite as well as you could be," Sokka started, and the actor groaned. 

"Oh no, another fan with ideas," he said and he tried to leave, but Sokka stopped him. 

"Just hear me out. Here's something I think the real Sokka would say: What does the cabbage merchant use to fix his cabbages? A cabbage patch!" Sokka quipped and I cringed, but the actor seemed to like it. 

The actor took Sokka's notes and read through them, laughing at Sokka's jokes. Sokka grinned and put an arm around the actor, walking and talking with him. 

"Also, don't be afraid to make up some phrases, especially before an attack. Something like: 'flying kick-a-pow'," he added. The actor laughed. 

"Who are you anyway?" He asked. Sokka shrugged. 

"I'm just a guy who likes comedy," he said nonchalantly. I sighed and followed behind them at a distance, watching Sokka give the actor more and more jokes. 

When they were done, Sokka came back over to me all smiley. He peppered my face with kisses, laughing in between and making me laugh. 

"You're the best girlfriend ever. I love you, Y/n," he said and I stopped his erratic love attack by grabbing his face and kissing him on the lips. 

"I love you too, Sokka," I told him. He walked back to the theater hand in hand. 

After a few scenes, Aang finally came back from wherever he ran off too. He sat next to Sokka and I and Sokka did a quick recap for him. 

"Here's what you missed: we went to the Fire Nation, and you got better, and Katara was the Painted Lady, and Y/n and I got our sword and dagger, and I think Combustion Man died. Also, they showed Y/n sneaking into the Fire Nation before the Day of Black Sun," he explained. I shushed him and pointed at the stage. 

"The invasion's about to start," I said and Sokka turned attentively to the stage. 

"Hey Toph, would you say you and Aang have a rocky relationship?" Sokka's actor quipped. Sokka began laughing hysterically. "I hope everyone's ready for the invasion. Slap-a-pow!" He yelled and Sokka was rolling. 

I pat his back, chuckling along with him. Actor Zuko joined Team Avatar on stage and they teamed up, before running off. Sokka stood up, stretching out. 

"I guess that's it. The play's caught up to the present now," he said. I pulled on his arm.

"The play's not over yet," I told him. He sat back down confused. 

"But it is over. Unless...this is the future!" He said and I facepalmed. The theater went dark and then the Fire Lord actor came into a spotlight. 

"With the energy harnessed from that comet, no one will be able to stop the Fire Nation!" He said confidently. Azula's actor ran on stage. 

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