Ch 17: Promise Me

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A few days later...


Sokka looked down at his map before looking up with a grin. 

"This is it, the official rendezvous point for the invasion force," he said and we all looked out on the grassy fields on a cliff filled with sheep. 

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked. 

"Before we split up, my dad and I found this island on a map. It's uninhabited, and the harbor surronded by cliffs seemed like the perfect secluded place," he explained and I smiled at him. 

"Nice choice, Sokka. And we got here five days ahead of schedule," I told him and he smirked proudly at me. 

"Wait, five days? The invasion's in FIVE DAYS?!" Aang asked frantically. Sokka yawned and laid down on his sleeping bag. 

"Whatever, that's like five days from now. Let's just calm down and..." He didn't get to finish because he immediately fell asleep. Lucky him. I can't sleep even more than I couldn't sleep before. 

Katara agreed and encouraged Aang to go to sleep. I laid down and closed my eyes, figuring I would rest if not sleep. Ever since I found out my father is alive, it's been one revelation after another, and each one keeps me awake thinking for longer at night. The knife from piandao, the news about my grandfather, Hama inadvertently blaming me for the kidnapping of several waterbenders...

Ok, that's enough thinking for tonight. Let's try this again in the morning. 

The next day...

I opened my eyes when I felt the sun hit my face. I took a deep breath and sat up in one motion, regretting it when my head swam. I shook it off and got up, my head continuing to pound. Oh wait, that's not me. Aang's beating a tree to death. 

The others awoke to that sound too and noticed the agitated Avatar. We looked at each other and then at him worriedly. Katara went to go check on him. 

She asked him how long he'd been up, and upon his answer, she reminded him that too much training is a bad thing. 

"You don't get it do you? My form is bad, I'm sloppy, and I still don't know any firebending. I barely know the basics," Aang said and I inwardly cringed. Great job, Sifu Y/n. 

"That's ok, Aang, the eclipse will block all firebending anyway. Plus Y/n already taught you how to defend yourself from fire, you can attack with the other elements," Sokka said and he sent a smile my way. Such a sweetie. 

"Ok well, I still have to work on everything else. I better spend the whole day training," Aang said and he started kicking and punching at the air. He stopped abruptly, bowed stiffly to me and then Katara, and then air scootered away. 

"Are we gonna address that?" I asked to the group. They all looked at me worriedly. 

"I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow," Katara said. I shrugged and went along with that. 

The whole day passed and it was dark when Aang finally came back. Everyone but me was already asleep, and when Aang laid down, he started his goodnight call. 

"Goodnight, Katara. Goodnight, Sokka. Goodnight, Y/n. Goodnight, Toph. Goodnight, Appa. Goodnight, Momo. Goodnight Appa and Mo—"

"Go to sleep already!!" Toph yelled from her corner and I stifled a laugh. I exhaled and closed my eyes, hoping to sleep. 


"For the crimes against the other three nations, we find Y/n Yaika guilty!"

I struggled against chains as I stood on a stage. I glanced to the side and noticed a body also in chains but slumped over like they were dead with hair covering their face. A wind blew and once the hair moved, I realized it was my father. 

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