Ch 12: Sincerity

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A few days later...

Zuko POV

Father had sent my sister, her friends, and I on a vacation to Ember Island. Really, he just wanted us out of the house. Either way, I felt betrayed. I feel like a child.

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty Lee asked Azula, all happy-go-lucky.

"We used to come every summer when we were kids," she explained and I grumbled.

"That was a long time ago," I mumbled. I remember those summers. I remember Uncle and Y/n coming with us too, and being better company than my sister and my father.

And now they're both gone, and I'm going back to the island without them...


The Gaang was taking a respite from the traveling, stopping at a lake surrounded by mountain formations. I was sitting on a rock next to Toph, Katara and Aang were in the water, and Sokka was fishing. Fishing without a shirt on.

"Aang, I know swimming is fun and all, but do you really think you should be exposing yourself like that? Cover up," Toph said and I noticed Aang's tattoos were pretty out in the open.

"There are walls all around us. It's completely safe," Katara said. It became a little less safe when Aang went down a waterfall tunnel. He came back a few moments later and before he could go down again I froze the entrance to the tunnel. He ran right into it and then turned and glared at me.

"Y/n, what was that for?" He whined. I bent water around him and plopped him on the shoreline.

"This little lake has walls, but I know for sure that wherever that waterfall came out did not. Can't risk your secret getting out," I explained and he groaned but agreed I was right. I heard a gasp and looked over at Sokka who was jumping for joy.

"Guys, I caught a giant dinner!" He said excitedly and he held up a large fish.

"Good work Sokka, let's get this thing cooking," Katara said and Toph made an earth pot and Katara bent water into it. I went over and lit some sticks on fire, making us a makeshift stove.

Sokka cut up the fish and we made a stew and flame broiled the rest. We sat around the campfire and ate, telling jokes and funny stories.

Soon the sun had set and everyone went to sleep. Everyone but me. I took my dagger from my stuff and went to sit a little away from the others. When I was first presented with it, I didn't see the small inscription on the hilt. But when I noticed it, I couldn't stop thinking about it.

With the Will of Fire
and the Resistance of the Sea.

I felt my heart swell. Even though my parents hid my heritage from me, they still found ways to let me embrace both halves of me. My father must've known I'd be found out one day, and maybe he thought this blade could help protect me. I couldn't stop the single tear that fell down onto the blade.

"Can't sleep?" A voice said from behind me. I wiped my face quickly and turned to see Sokka, and shook my head.

"No. How about you?" I asked. He shrugged and sat down next to me.

"I was just kinda thinking about the future. The invasion, the aftermath of the war, seeing my dad aga- Sorry, I shouldn't have said that," he backtracked. I laughed dryly.

"No, it's ok. It's a good thing to miss your dad. Couldn't be me, I think I've been repressing my feelings this whole time. For the longest time, I thought my father was dead. But when I found out he was alive and looking for me, all the pain of the loss of the life I once had started crashing down," I confessed.

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