Ch 10: Scheduling Conflict

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A few days later...


Appa floated down a sludge filled river, taking us slowly to who knows where. Aang was swimming in the river, and with the amount of pollution, I was surprised that Sokka's fishing rod didn't disintegrate.

"The polluted water explains why I can't catch a fish around here. Because normally my fishing skills the hook," he joked and laughed at it alone.

"Too bad your skills aren't on the hook," Toph replied and everyone, including myself, laughed at that. Sokka looked dejected for a minute but then pulled out his schedule to see when we could get food since fishing wasn't working out.

"Getting food is doable, but that means only two potty breaks today," he said. I looked at him skeptically.

"Sokka, if I say I need to go, I would like to see you stop me," I told him and I was serious. A woman is entitled to her luxuries. Katara  and Toph nodded to solidify our female solidarity.

"Hey, maybe we can get food there," Aang said and he pointed out a small town built on wooden platforms on stilts. We steered Appa towards it and stopped on a little island right next to it. Then, we hid him under a sheet of moss so he wouldn't be seen.

We walked towards the edge of the island, trying to figure out how to get across the dirty river.

"Hello there! My name's Dock. Mind if I ask who you are?" A man shouted from below, and we looked down to see a man with a boat on the shoreline. I spoke up so he could hear me.

"We're from the Earth Kingdom colonies," I explained.

"Wow, colonials! Hop on, I'll give you a ride into town," he offered and we went down to climb on his boat. He paddled us into the river.

Katara asked why the townsfolk lived on the river and Dock replied with that they were a fishing town before the factory moved in. Oh, that's what's causing all the pollution. If there's no fish, and fish are the village's economy, that means the village must be struggling.

We arrived at the town and the place looked deserted. The few people that were around, didn't look very healthy or happy.

"We have to do something to help," Katara mumbled.

"No, we can't waste our time here. We have a bigger mission we need to stay focused on. These people are on their own," Sokka said. Dang, that was harsh.

"These people are starving, but you turn your back on them? How can you be so cold and heartless?" Katara asked, her voice raising.

"I'm not turning my back, I'm just being realistic. We can't go around helping every rinky-dink town we run into. We'll be helping them all by taking out the Fire Lord," Sokka practically yelled. I slapped a hand over his mouth, surprising him.

"Hey, loudmouth! Maybe we should be a little quieter when we talk about 'taking out the Fire Lord'," Toph reminded him. I took my hand off his mouth.

"Katara, he's got a point. To fix a systemic problem, you have to start at the source," I told her.

"I guess so," she said, giving in.

"Let's just get what we need and go," Aang said and we moved on to the market. Once we were there we realized that Dock worked in the shops too. Or does he...?

"I'm not Dock, I'm Shoe. Dock's my brother," he explained.

"But we just saw you. You're even wearing the same clothes. The only difference is your hat," Aang pointed out.

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