Ch 19: Day of Black Sun Part II: I'm Back

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Later that day...

Sokka POV

The boats set sail for The Great Gates of Azulon.  Once we got closer, the waterbenders put up a smoke screen with the fog. Unfortunately, we were spotted anyway. 

A shrill warning bell rang and soon giant nets rose up out of the water and were set on fire. Dang, that's what they meant by gates. 

"Everyone below deck," my father said as Fire Nation soldiers came out on jet skis. Dad came to put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. "Let's hope your invention works."

We all went below deck and entered into our submarines, going underwater to sneak past the defenses. We swam underneath the gates undetected. 

"You've really outdone yourself this time son," my dad said proudly. 

"Yeah, congratulations, Sokka. You've managed to invent a worse way of travel than flying," Toph said sarcastically before she threw up in a helmet. 

"Well I just came up with the idea. The Mechanist did all the work," I said. Teo's dad smiled but pointed out the one flaw he couldn't fix. We had to come up for air before we hit the beach. Well, it's better than drowning before we get there. 

When it was time to come up, everyone stretched out on top of the subs. Team Avatar gathered and Aang spoke to us. 

"So, this is it, huh?" He said. We all nodded.

"Are you ready for the Fire Nation to know that the Avatar's alive?" I asked Aang with a confident smile. He nodded and replied that he's ready. I shook his hand, and brought him in for a hug. The others joined in too. 

"I hope you kick some serious Fire Lord butt, Twinkle Toes," Toph told him. My dad popped out at that moment, telling us to prepare for battle the next time we resurface. And that break time was over. 

I walked with Toph back into the sub and she pulled on my sleeve. 

"Hey, make sure the next time we see Y/n, you tell her how you really feel," she said and I got flustered before I responded. 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked. She sighed. 

"Watching you two flirt in circles around each other is exhausting. Listen, Sokka. Y/n really likes you, and its obvious you feel the same. Once the invasion's over, you're not going to have an excuse not to go out with her," she said and before I could respond, my dad rushed us back into the submarine. 

Well there's no doubt I care about Y/n a lot. If Toph is right, and she does like me back, I'd love to be her boyfriend. Well, let's get through the invasion. I'll tell her when she comes back.

No more excuses...



I had returned to the palace at Iroh's instruction and found a secret hallway from one of the war rooms underground to the secret bunker. 

It was expansive, with hallways connecting to other hallways in what seemed like a maze. Just pick a way Y/n. You're running out of time. 

I ran down the hallway as quietly as I could. Thankfully it was crudely made, so there were still some rocks I could hide behind if I needed too. I needed to a lot. 

There weren't a lot of soldiers down here, but the ones that were there were the elites. They all had the same symbol, the symbol of the Special Protection Force in the Royal Guard. I guess they wouldn't leave their Fire Lord defenseless during an eclipse. 

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