Ch 18: Day of Black Sun Part I: Sabotage

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The day before the invasion...


I sailed on my little ice boat towards the Fire Nation capital. It was going to be easier for me to get into the Fire Nation as one girl that can swim underwater than Sokka's whole fleet, but I still had to be careful. The fact that the sun is setting helps me too.

I noticed the Great Gates of Azulon by the unmistakable statue of the previous Fire Lord, and decided now was the time to go underwater.

I pulled my mask up and capsized my ice boat, sinking under the water while wrapping myself in a water bubble filled with air. I swam deep enough that my presence couldn't be seen from the watch tower and the gates didn't stop me.

Once I was in the bay, I took a detour. There was a stream that pooled inside the capital city and emptied out into the bay, and that's the path I took to avoid being seen.

I swam upstream and came up for air in a little pond right inside the capital city walls, the dark of night hiding me from any eyes. I got out of the pond, making sure my mask was still up as I filled my water bag with water before running towards the palace. I guess I'll start with the domestic defense military base.

Sokka had given me a map before I left and I pulled it out of my shirt pocket to make sure I was truly going the right way. I trust my memory and instincts, but a little reminder won't hurt. I was going the right way and after a couple of minutes, I reached the military base. What I saw shocked me.

As a child, my father would bring me and my school mates here for field trips. It was allowed because everything was more or less stowed away, as the Fire Nation capital was technically at peace. But now, everything was armed and out, ready to be used.

They know...

There were newer types of tanks fully stocked and ready to go, there were hundreds of arrows available for use, and all the spears, knives, and swords, had been sharpened. There were even plans for things that looked like giant flying ships.

I walked through the base and I heard a noise, so I paused and waited. A mechanic and another man walked into the room and I moved to hide behind a box of explosives. Woah, these are Grade A.

"Is everything in order?" The man asked the mechanic and he nodded.

"The city has been completely evacuated and the military is ready to fight against the invasion. At dawn, the troops will move into positions, and this rebellion will be crushed," the mechanic answered. The two men nodded at each other and then left the room, leaving me to think of a new strategy. I looked out the window and noticed the placement of the moon.

It's just about midnight. That means there's about six hours before their troops move out. It took me about two hours to get here, so if I go back and warn everyone...No that won't do much. We don't have time to plan a whole new invasion, our plan is still going to happen as is. I can stay behind and try and sabotage as much as I can...

That's a good plan. Let's get to work.

Five hours later...

I had spent hours first trying to figure out how the new tanks worked and then figuring out how I could sabotage them. I figured out there's a small piece on the inside that needs to stay warm and oiled to work and help the whole thing function. So I slipped a little ice onto the spot, hoping that would do the trick.

I was able to figure out how the airships worked, but I wasn't able to find them. They must have a landing for them somewhere else.

I also went through and broke as many spears and swords as I could. If fire really is the greatest element on earth, I hope they're good at using it.

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