The Black Moranth

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You visit the construction of the Black Moranth.

The Black Moranth is a massive submarine. 

You walk down a long metal hallway, taking in the sheer size of the ship.

You say "Kim, this is the kind of boat that takes over the world!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know." 

"We're building this boat for world domination." 

"Mmm, I like the sound of that." 

"What's the estimated completion date?" 

"Early 2022."

You say "Like March?""Maybe, if we're lucky." 

"I like March. That's my favorite month." 

"Why March?" 

"All the candy stores are opening." 

"That's a good reason. We should pick a ship to take over in March. What do you think, Tae?"

You say "My name's Lestat. Anyways, where are we invading first?"

"Spain, if my research is correct." 

"That's correct. We'll give them a good scare and send them running back to France. They'll be calling our bluff, I assure you."

You say "Are you sure? We're in Australia, I was thinking we could go north to Indonesia."

"Trust me, Spain will be our first target. Besides, I have a personal stake in this. A little village called Arishaig."

You say "Whatever you say, Kim."

"Good. Now, let's get to work." 

You shake hands, before parting ways. 

You head back to the party, where you drink and drink and drink, until you pass out.

You get in the Black Moranth with troops and Kim.

You make your way to the bridge, where Kim is already stationed. 

"Hello, Captain." 

"Hello, Captain. How are we looking?" 

"The reactor is a bit temperamental, but other than that, we're good to go." 

"Very good. How's the crew taking to the new orders?" 

"Well, they're scared. Should I reassure them that everything is going to be fine?" 

"No, no, we're good. We're good."

You set course for Arishaig.

You press a button, and the ship begins moving. 

"That's the first time I've ever seen the bridge and engine room look this clean." 

"The Black Moranth are neat people." 

"Yeah, sure. Now, where are we invading?" 


You say "Alright, I'll go check with the crew

"You make your way to the cargo bay, where you find a wide variety of people. One man in a green scrubs holds a large box.

You say "What's in the box?"

The man carefully opens the box, revealing a large, beautiful ruby. 

"Where did you get that?"

You say "The Romanian Ruby!"

"The what?" 

"The Romanian Ruby! The gem of King Solomon's Daughter, which we stole and put in this box. It's worth a fortune!"

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