The King's Vault

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You say "So is this where your grandfather's vault is?"

He nods slowly, smiling. 

"Yes, this is it."

"Should we go in?" 

"We have little choice. The guards are probably already on their way."

You use the Romanian Ruby to open the vault.

You rub the ruby against the lock, and it opens like a stream. 

You walk inside the vault, and he says, "It's a nice space." 

"It's a vault, isn't it?"

You get in the vault.

You walk over to the counter, and he says, "We have some papers to look over." 


You turn on the light, and are astonished by what you see. There are rows and rows of boxes, packed with ancient artifacts. There are spears, swords, shields, jewelry, and other kinds of ancient weapons and tools.

You say "Who was your grandfather? I've never heard of the Arlingfant empire."

He smiles, and says, "No, you wouldn't have. They were a small kingdom, not well known. My great-grandfather unified the kingdom, and he was a very powerful man indeed. He opened the door to the vault."
You say "Wait, so the vault was here before your grandfather?"

He nods slowly, smiling. "My grandfather found it, and was the first one to open it." 

"Then how did the Ruby end up here?" 

"The Ruby? It was a gift. My grandfather found it, and gave it to my grandmother, who gave it to me, who gave it to you."

You say "Ok, let's load whatever we can into the truck!"



You grab a box, and start packing it with artifacts. You fill two boxes, and then three. 

When you are almost finished packing the fourth box, you hear a shout. 

The guards have returned. 

You turn off the light quickly, and hear them coming down the stairs. You hear the sound of their boots, and turn off the light. They walk in, and sees you packing.

You grab a ceremonial sword.

You grab the ceremonial sword, and run. The guards have drawn their pistols, and run towards you.

You tell the rest of the crew to find an escape route.

You tell the rest of the crew to escape through the hole in the wall. You step aside and let them pass, and they escape through the hidden passage.
You say "Kim, can you actually fit in the passage?"

He smiles. "I'll fit, but I don't fancy my chances against two pistol-wielding guards." 

You nod, and he steps in. You close the door behind him.

You say "I'll get out through the entrance, I need to retrieve the ruby."

"If you get captured, we all die. There are guards on the road." 

"I won't be. Just back me up." 

"I don't want to be responsible for anyone getting captured."

You say "You won't be, get out of here with the truck."

He exits the vault through the hidden passage.

You sneak your way through the guards.

You sneak your way through the guards, and hear their boots echoing in the vault. 

You continue packing artifacts into the truck. 

"Don't move! You are surrounded, drop your weapons."

You sing Feet and Knuckles.

You raise your arms and sing Feet and Knuckles. 

"Feet and Knuckles, everywhere we go!" 

"Feet and Knuckles, make the world go 'round!" 

The guards continue to sing with you. "It's Christmas, time to be jolly, So let's have a Yuletide ball!"

You rush the guards and knock them out.

You rush the guards, and knock them out.
You grab the ruby and get back to the truck.

You grab the ruby, and run to the truck. You step in, and begin to back out. "Come on, get in!"
You say "Is the crew ok?"

"They're fine," he replies. 

You step on the gas, and start driving.

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