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Written by Ed Sheeran 

Published by Universal Music Publishing Group 

This song is dedicated to the memory of: Jim Carroll, for being a true friend 

Michael Jennings, for everything 

Ed Sheeran, for being an extraordinary musician and for inspiring me 

The Black Moranth, for their bravery and a fine example of stoicism 

My family, for their love and support 

The author, for making a story 

And most of all, to you, for reading! 

Real dark times. 

(Death of a Lunatic) 

I am the Reaper, I am the Hunter, 

The bringer of death to the unrighteous. 

At my side are a thousand skulls and bones, 

To spread my banner to tainted sloth. 

And if you think you can escape my grasp, 

You're living on a mountain of fool's gold. 

The fool comes to my side, 

And the fool stays dead. 

I am the Reaper, I am the Hunter, 

The bringer of death to the unrighteous. 

At my side are a thousand skulls and bones, 

To spread my banner to tainted sloth. 

And if you think you can escape my grasp, 

You're living on a mountain of fool's gold. 

The fool comes to my side, 

And the fool stays dead. 



You're living onA mountain of fool's gold. 

You're going to die, you know that, 

And so you play the part, you play the game. 

And if it's tragic, then it's fair, 

Just don't expect me to weep when you're gone. 

I've seen a thousand men like you, 

Just as stupid and crazy, 

And I've heard a thousand women, 

As young and as pretty as you, 

But I've never met one quite like you, 

How could I miss such a pretty maid? 

You don't even know that you're a fool, 

No, you don't even know. 

You're living on a mountain of fool's gold. 

I'm the Reaper, I'm the Hunter, 

The bringer of death to the unrighteous. 

At my side are a thousand skulls and bones, 

To spread my banner to tainted sloth. 

And if you think you can escape my grasp, 

You're living on a mountain of fool's gold. 

The fool comes to my side, 

And the fool stays dead. 

I am the Reaper, I am the Hunter,

The bringer of death to the unrighteous. 

At my side are a thousand skulls and bones, 

To spread my banner to tainted sloth. 

And if you think you can escape my grasp, 

You're living on a mountain of fool's gold. 

The fool comes to my side, 

And the fool stays dead. 

By: Hazel "Lestat" Scott 


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