Things Always End: ANGST

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There comes a time, when things must end. You'll never know when it happens or if it will ever happen. But trust me, it'll end sooner or later. 

We had loved each other so much. But somewhere along the road, loving each other became routine, boring, no excitement. Somewhere...we just...stopped loving each other, but, we stayed with each other. Maybe it was because we were lonely, we wanted someone by our side, maybe even the feeling of HAVING a lover was nice, I don't know. But for some unknown reason, we were together for much longer than planned. 


"How was work?" I asked him.

"S'good. Same old, same old. Just another villain down the street put where they belong." Katsuki replied. 

"That old guy...White Knight right? The villain wannabe? Didn't he burn down that convenience store?" I looked up at Katsuki.

"That's him, we keep telling the old bastard that he's too old for villainous acts but he just won't listen". 

Katsuki had gone to the fridge to grab a water bottle. I sat on the couch, legs to my chest. This was how our days went for months. In the morning, Katsuki'd be off to work, I'd be asleep, wake up later, go to work, come home, hours later Katsuki comes home, little conversation happened, we'd eat dinner, and then bed. Sometimes we got intimate...but it was rare nowadays. I sat there thinking 'we should break up. I'll do it soon...' but... in reality, I'd thought that over hundreds of times but I could never bring myself to do it. 

"Hey, we need to talk," Katsuki cut off my thoughts.

"What's up?" I sat up.

"We should...break up. It's not's just that, things haven't been the same between us for a while and, I just...don't love you anymore" His back was turned away from me. 

I wouldn't say I was shocked, but the look on my face showed remorse, sorrow. I don't know why...I knew it was coming, I even thought I should've told him we should break up. Guess I really did just want someone by my side.

"I see...I'll start packing my things up then." I got up and headed for the bedroom. Whilst walking, I snuck a glance at Katsuki's face. It showed..sympathy? No, his face was struggling to keep calm. A pang stung my heart. Why?


I'd moved in with a friend for now. She was on a date with her boyfriend at the moment but let me move in. Katsuki was nice enough to help with the move since she wasn't there to help. He honestly really didn't have to.

"Well, that's it. Thanks for helping I guess. You really didn't have to..." I stood behind the front door looking up at him.

"No... it's fine. You had a lot of stuff at the place anyways." Katsuki stated.

It was an awkward stance between us. Almost seven years, easily washed away by an ocean that we never saw. Katsuki stared deeply into my eyes, almost as if he was staring deep into my soul desperately searching for something that was there. It confused me. 

"Well...I'll get out of your hair. See ya" Katsuki looked away first and shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"Yeah...bye..." I watched him walk away.

Something in me surfaced. Something in me wanted to shout his name from the top of my lungs and ask him 'when did you fall out of love? Did you fall for someone else? Did you cheat while we were still together? What happened between us?'. 


He turned around. In all of his glory, he turned around. His eyes glowed like fire rubies, his hair as rough looking as can be, and his lips...smiling. 

"Did you say something?" His eyes shone with hope. 

He turned and asked a question but...the door was already closed. And behind that door, I was sitting on the floor, back against the door, cursing myself in my thoughts.

'Why did I speak up? Why did I want to ask him so many questions? I knew a breakup was going to happen but why did I...' 

I realized...then and there. I had never fallen out of love with him. I kept telling myself that I had fallen out of love because I had already realized HE wasn't in love anymore. I convinced myself to numb the very emotions Katsuki had lost so long ago. I had been convinced that...I hadn't loved him anymore. I didn't want to get hurt and that was how I coped. Really unhealthy if you ask me. 

And finally, that ocean that I had seen so far away but ignored, flooded my gates. I was crying. The realization that I had lost the one thing that was important to me, hit like a tidal wave. I sat there, alone at my new home, and my somebody would never enter through the door again. 


Katsuki's POV


I was in love. I WAS in love. But along the lines of our relationship...I'd lost all feeling. I don't know or remember when but, I lost it all. Almost seven years, I had someone. And in those seven years, I not once ever thought about leaving them. But was all I could think about. But...I could never bring myself to do it. Maybe it was because I didn't want to hurt them, or maybe I just like having someone by my side at night. I don't even know myself. 


I was helping them move their stuff into a friend's house. It was the least I could do. I felt bad for breaking up with them but I needed to do it...right? 

"Well, that's it. Thanks for helping I guess. You really didn't have to..." they stood behind the front door looking at me.

"No... it's fine. You had a lot of stuff at the place anyways." I looked deep into their eyes.

I was awkwardly standing there staring at them. Deep down I didn't want to leave. I wanted to find a reason to stay longer, to talk to them just a little more, to burn their face into my memory. But while looking into their eyes, I found love...what?

"Well...I'll get out of your hair. See ya" I looked away first and shoved my hands in my pockets, balling them into fists.

"Yeah...bye..." they nodded.

I walked down the cement path, hoping they'd call out my name and talk to me. Even if it was just a simple 'I'll never forget you' or 'thanks for everything' I'd run back to them and kiss them. One. More. Time. 


I turned around as fast as I could. 'Did they..' I thought.

"Did you say something?" I looked back with gallons of unknown hope.

The door was closed. 

'Oh', my smile faltered. I turned back around and headed home, 'Guess I was wrong'.


A/N: No, this does not mean I'm back. Although it does mean I am getting back into writing fics again but, I just felt like writing something for this dead fic. As always, my classic angst story <3. And no, I'm still not sorry for being a masochist and loving sad sob stories <3. But alas, I hope you at least enjoyed this one-shot, au revoir. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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