Red String AU Fluff

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A/N: There's gonna be a lot of time skips due to the fact if I had typed it out as the full story it'd be way too long so have fun with all the skips- but aside from that, please enjoy this story!

The Red String is what they called it. It was a bright red string that connected a person to their forever soulmate. But for me, I haven't found my soulmate yet. Or at least, I don't think I have one. How the Red String works is pretty weird in my eyes. It only happens when you fall in love. Whether it be a small crush or something. Once you fall in love, the string will correct you or help you in some way. It shows you who you're connected with and only you can see it. But for me, when I fell in love, my string appeared but it led to nowhere. It's been like that ever since I was seven. It's been about another seven years since it happened and I get bullied quite a lot about it. Girls at my school feel as if their Red String is godly or something and that whoever has it, is pretty special. Hah, pretty stupid if you ask me. It's just a silly string that connects you to someone who's also probably stupid. Anyways, the Red Strings not important to me and it'll never be. No point in believing it when it leads you nowhere. 


It was just another Monday morning and I had run down the stairs and grabbed a slice of bread and put some jelly on top. 

"Morning Ma! Pa!" I stuffed the bread into my mouth and grabbed my schoolbag. 

"Morning, (Y/N)! Remember to say goodbye to anyone you need to! You leave for your plane tonight!" my mother called.

Replying with an 'Okay!' I left the house for school. At the end of today, I would finally be free from all this bullshit I go through on a daily basis. You know, a clean slate! A fresh start! I would be leaving to go see my biological dad in Japan and go to U.A High School! 


Arriving at my locker, I'm met with a group of pissed off girls behind me. 

"So YOU got into U.A high school in Japan, huh? How lucky for you! Maybe you'll be able to find that Red String of yours, eh (Y/N)? Snickered Genevieve. 

"Haha! That's right! You don't have a red string huh? Poor baby's gonna be alone for the rest of her life, huh? Unlike you, we already found our soulmates! Genevieve's soulmate is a popstar!" Linda laughed. 

"Aww, thanks girls for worrying about me! I'll finally be able to get away from your faces! I mean who wouldn't? I think that popstar would! I mean, you ONLY ever TALK about him! You make it seem like he's not even real! Oh, poo! Look at the time girls, I gotta get to class now so byeeee!" I stuck my middle finger up at them. 

Throughout the day, almost the entire school had heard I would be going to the number one hero school in the world. Everyone started coming up to me congratulating me and trying to get on my good side. To act as if we've been friends ever since kindergarten. I would call them out on their bullshit but they're not wrong. I'll be going to a prestigious school that takes a lot of effort to get into unless you get recommended. My Uncle Yagi had recommended me since he had seen how hard I worked to become a hero. But since I'll be going to U.A, it'd be good to represent my school in the best way possible. Then again, whoever came up to me, I sure as hell didn't know them at. All. And they would try to become friends with me so that they could leech off me in the future (at least that's what I thought personally). 


As I was packing such few materials I needed, my mom came into my room and all of a sudden burst into tears.

"Wahahaha! My Baby's all grown up now! She'll be leaving me for highschool in Japan! She's leaving me all alone!" my Mom wrapped her arms around me.

"Ergh! Ma! I need to pack for the flight tonight! Come on!" I complained.

 "I know, I know! Just let me cherish this alright?! I won't see you again for three years if you're actually serious about becoming a hero! Maybe four or more if you plan on staying there! Just let your mama hug you!" My mom cried.

We had sat there for a good ten minutes before my mom had finally ley me finish packing. She sniffled and placed down a plate of fruit for me before leaving the room. I gently shooked my head at my awkward mother and continued packing.


Arriving in Japan, I met my dad and gave him a big hug. I haven't really seen him since last year's Christmas when he came to visit. 

"So? You want to be a hero too, huh?" He asked.

"Yup! Just like my old man!" I nudged dad's arm. 

"I'm not that old, (Y/N). But I think it's good that you want to strive to be just like me! One of the top 20 heroes!" He grinned.

"Not so sure if I want to be Top 20 Pops...but I can assure you, I do want to be a hero!" I smiled.

"Ah...why must you hurt me like this? My own daughter! But, you sure you're not here because your red string led you to Japan?" Dad sulked. 

  "...No...I haven't paid attention to that thing in a long while, Pops. It's stupid, really. What's the point in searching when you could be doing plenty more? Anyways, you know I love you, Pops", I looked down, "Now, let's get going! I have to go get school papers by tomorrow". 

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