Glow Ups: Bully! Katsuki x Nerd! Reader

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A/N: For this cute fluff (UWU) it's a modern AU with no U.A HS!! (credit to original artist) request for @Skye_Aikio !!

~~~Third Person POV~~~

You weren't the prettiest at school, nor the ugliest, but you were...pretty funny everyone at school at least. You wore your hair in a messy french braid, you had big red glasses, and you had braces. Every stereotypical nerd in every highschool romance. But that wasn't you. You could care less about how you looked in school. At the moment all you cared about was passing your second year in high school. Unlike other kids, they cared about how they looked. Girls would wear the most expensive makeup to show off whilst the boys would wear the trendiest shoes (since uniforms were a thing). But not you, and you got teased for it. Your face was completely bare, no makeup, your nails were dirty, hair was always messy, your glasses were goofy and were always falling , you had bags underneath your eyes, and you would always wear the same sweater (depending on the weather of course) given to you by the school. That was just how you swung but the boy who teased you the most for your looks was known as Bakugou Katsuki. And man was he a jerk. You disliked him to the core, even if he was one of the best students in your class, he was egotistical, narcissistic, a playboy, and undoubtfully rude. But little did you know, this angry hedgehog had a soft spot for very pretty girls.

Grabbing more books from your locker you mumble to yourself, "Ugh...this year needs to hurry up...I really can't stand being surrounded by these useless idiots..."

"Huh, useless idiots? Ha, funny Four Eyes! I don't think we're the idiots here," yelled an angry blonde.

'Great...Bakugou.' You thought. "Hey, Bakugou. What do you want this time?" you sneered.

"Oh, nothing much, just wanted to let you know that the guys and I are holding a party at Club Teen tomorrow and all the second years are invited...except you Four Eyes," Katsuki rubbed in your face.

"Yeah like I would care about some stupid teenagers getting it down at a club. Besides, that club is meant for babies so I guess you all would pass for one," you snickered.

You jumped in surprise as Katsuki looked at you in anger and slammed his hand next to you against the lockers.

"I dare you to talk to me like that again. Next time you do, your bags won't be the only thing that ends up in the swamp, and may I remind you, they were beaten up," Katsuki smirked.

You could only glare at him as he left you alone, your back to the lockers. You were glad it was almost the end of the day, adding that it was Friday. You could leave this damned school and its idiotic students.

~~~Time Skip~~~

You threw your bag on the ground and flopped on to your bed. Your hands tightened into a fist as you began to cry. You couldn't handle all the teasing and bullying. Every one of them would mention your looks and your mother. It broke you but you reminded yourself to stand tall and proud because only your opinions matter to yourself, not others.

You began to remove your uniform to put on some comfortable clothes and your fluffy bunny slippers. Your mom wouldn't be home till late tonight since she worked as a prostitute. Not the best job in the world but at least it paid the bills after your dad had left the two of you. You began to work on your school project till midnight and fell asleep on your desk.

You awoke the next morning to a pool of drool on your desk. You wiped your mouth in grogginess and got up from your chair.

"When did I fall asleep...? It's already 11:48 AM...geez," you yawn.

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