The beggining of everything

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16th of December, 1990

(Y/n's POV)

In the middle of all the mist, I can see four people, one that I barely recognize, because I know that it's me, but at the same time, it's not, it looks like me but older; the rest of the figures are all blurry, but each has a unique characteristic, one of them has raven black hair, the other one is a girl, I think... she has a bushy brown hair, and the last silhouette is tall and has red hair. Everything around them was blurry, but just before a sudden quietness, something happens that always sends shivers down my spine, a loud sound after green lighting falls, the light surrounds us as someone screams


Right at that moment, my mom walked in to wake me up, being the most silent human in the entire world.

"Good morning sleepyhead!" Says my mom as she shakes me by the shoulders, usually it takes a lot to wake me up in the morning, so it became a routine for my mother to walk in and always do the same every morning, on the other hand, my dad is much calmer about it.

After five minutes of doing the same I finally fully woke up, kind of, so I went into the bathroom and took a shower, I usually take my time in showers because it's warm to be in it, especially in the mornings.

When I finished drying up, dressing up, and putting on my glasses, I walked into the dining room, where my mother waited for me with breakfast. I've always thought that my mother was kind of pretty, she had black hair, like me, but a lot longer, her eyes are dark brown and a little slanted, it's more notorious when she smiles because her eyes narrow, she has a small height too, she is 5'1 (1.54 cm).

According to what she has told me, her work has something to do with plants, I think the word was herbology, but I'm not sure, mainly she takes care of plants and studies them, she helps a lot of our neighbors with plant care, because it's not something very common, aside from that she also creates somewhat handmade remedies, but I've never been that interested in how she makes them, after all, they do work.

On the other hand, my father's case is different because I never get to see him in the mornings, he always goes to work early, really early, I think he's some kind of police, I think because every time

I ask him about it he says the same, that he is some kind of police, he never gets into many details about his job, just like mom, but at least she explains a little about the plants she takes care of, although I never pay too much attention, because I'm not really into it.

My Dad is a tall man, approximately about 6'0 (1.82 cm), he has short black hair and also has brown color eyes, he has a defined musculature, and he has a normal kind of eyes, not too big nor too slanted.

"Good morning mom..." I said, still half-sleep while I sat at the table.

"I already said good morning, but it seems you were still asleep," said my mom as she chuckled.

"Yeah, but you know me, I hate mornings. If it weren't for you I would wake up in the middle of the afternoon." I say while I laugh and start to eat.

"I would like to believe you mean that as a joke, but knowing you it's probably not, you have to learn to wake up by yourself my dear, soon you'll be 11, you're not a baby anymore. " said my mom in a casual way, but at the same time scolding me.

"I know, I know, but mornings are so boring, maybe if I went to school, they wouldn't be that boring..." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"(Y/n), you know that- "

"Yeah, I know that you say it's for my protection and all that, but it would help if any of you told me why, you've been doing this my whole life, I'm just saying that I would like to know more about things and why I can't go to a normal school," I said as I crossed my arms.

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