Mission Norbert and a Hooded Creature

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(Y/n)'s POV

Ron woke up with his hand green. I tried to treat it the night before, but I'm nothing compared to Madam Pomfrey, so he had to go to the hospital wing, we went to see him after classes, and he said something alarming.

"Malfoy told Madam Pomfrey he wanted to borrow one of my books so he could come and have a good laugh at me. He kept threatening to tell her what really bit me – I've told her it was a dog but I don't think she believes me – I shouldn't have hit him at the Quidditch match, that's why he's doing this."

"No, Ron, it was a good thing you did, actually, I think he needs some more" I was angry, not only was he making our days harder by itself, but now he was threatening us? Why would someone enjoy other people's suffering so much? I tried to stand up, but Hermione stopped me, being the voice of reason, as she usually is.

"(Y/n), Don't you see? This is what he wants, if you go and do something against him now, we'll be even more in the palm of his hand." She said, and even though it made me angry, she was right, so I reluctantly sat down again.

"It'll all be over at midnight on Saturday" I know Hermione was trying to make us all feel better, but this last part made Ron stand up straight out of nowhere.

"Midnight on Saturday! Oh no, I've just remembered, Charlie's letter was in that book Malfoy took, he's going to know we're getting rid of Norbert!"

The next few days I asked Professor Flitwick about a Charm in our extra classes, and he finally taught us about it, although, I could see Hermione not wanting me to try it for the first time on Saturday night, but I had to, we didn't have any other time aside from that one.


The day finally came, midnight on Saturday, and I think I was handling it better than I expected. Sure, I was trembling, but who isn't when you're trying to smuggle a Dragon?

Anyways, we came to pick up Norbert from Hagrid's with Harry's invisibility cloak, Harry didn't seem to understand why I wanted to go too, given there wouldn't be much space, but it didn't feel right to just leave them there, besides, I wanted to try out the spell Professor Flitwick taught us, against Hermione's complains about it.

"He's got lots o' rats an' some brandy fer the journey, an' I've packed his teddy bear in case he gets lonely" Said Hagrid, with tears in his eyes.

Norbert was in a crate, and from the noises it made I think it was safe to say the teddy bear was long gone, I wanted to say something to Hagrid, but I couldn't, as Hermione and Harry put the Cloak over the crate, and before they got in, Harry said.

"There's not enough space for you, (Y/n)"

"Oh, don't worry Harry, I got Professor Flitwick to teach me this spell specifically for this." I said, pulled out my wand, and twirled it around me, as if I was wrapping myself with something, and suddenly, my body started to look like my surroundings, honestly, I was relieved it even worked at all.

Why? Because it wasn't perfect, if someone paid enough attention, they could still see some blurred parts, but it should work.

"I told him to not use it, Harry, it's not smart to use spells you've never used before on a crucial task such as this." Said Hermione, a bit annoyed.

"L-Let's go guys, I don't know for how much time I can keep this charm on..." I said, which was true, I focused so much on studying it that I didn't paid enough attention to the practical side of it.

Somehow, we were able to get the crate to the castle, I was only able to see them because usually I would bump into them, not the best solution to the problem but sometimes you have to work with what you had, and it didn't help that anytime I bumped into them, the charm wore off a bit on the part that got hit, making it seem even more blurry.

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