Heading to Hogwarts!

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22nd of December, 1990

(Y/n)'s POV

Hermione and I talked for some time, she told me all about her family, like her parents, that were dentists, and that they were very shocked and proud when she got her letter; She had always liked reading, and loves to learn new things, she's pretty skilled and smart, she told me she was first on all her assignments, and honestly, after talking with her, I couldn't understand why people wouldn't want to be her friend, I mean, I don't have much experience, but she doesn't seem like a bad person at all.

I also told her about my parents, and explained what happened at my birthday party. She was surprised that Dumbledore himself went to my house. I could tell just by her face, but before we could continue talking, my parents came looking for me.

"(Y/n), we have all your stuff, it's time to go home" Said mom, just when she finished saying that, she noticed I was with someone else.

"Hi young lady, are you my son's first friend?" She said in a surprised and curious tone.

"Um, I..." Hermione hesitated a little bit, so I happily answered for her

"Yeah! Her name is Hermione; can you believe she's a muggle-born? You wouldn't even notice it, she knows so much!" I said fast, as I usually talk when I was happy or excited, but I guess Hermione could understand me, because she smiled when I said she was my friend, I don't know why she hesitated, I asked her to be my friend after all.

"A muggle-born? I'm really glad she's your first friend sweetie, although we're not so different from muggles ourselves you know?" Said mom

"Yeah, I know mom, I already explained to her, it wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be" I said, laughing a bit.

"Well, as much as I'm glad you made your first friend, we have to go, we have everything ready and your dad has to do some reports for the ministry, I'll let you say your goodbyes sweetie, it was a pleasure to meet you Hermione, I hope you take care of my little one when you're in Hogwarts" After saying that, mom went to meet with dad, both waiting outside of the store.

I looked at Hermione with sadness and said

"I have to go now, but at least we'll see each other in Hogwarts again, it was really nice to meet you Hermione." I extended my hand.

She grabbed my hand and said "Bye (Y/n), I'm really excited to meet up with you in Hogwarts, I hope the months pass by quickly, take care" And that's how our little chat ended.

When we were going home I told my parents about how happy I was at making my first friend, and how we shared similar interests, my parents listened to me closely, and when I finished talking my dad said

"I know you're excited, but you better be ready because this few months will be though for you, we'll teach you things about the wizarding world that a normal kid should know, and even though you can't use magic outside of the school until you're of age, I still want you to see the technique and correct pronunciation. I'll teach you about charms and spells and your mom will teach you about plants and potions" He said, with a serious look on his face.

"Don't worry dad, I know I wasn't excited about school before, but now, how could I not be excited? I'll study harder than before!" I said, looking at him excited and with confidence.

When we got home, the lessons started almost immediately, my mom started to pull out books from places in the house I've never seen before, magic, I suppose. And that's how I started with plants, or herbology as mom likes to say, and potions.

Mom talked hours and hours in the lessons we had, three days a week and we practically were all day talking about plants and ingredients for potions, honestly, I was pretty much dozing off in these lessons, and not because mom is boring, it was because they just didn't attract my attention, I still tried to pay attention though, because mom looked like she enjoyed finally being able to talk to me about the things she truly loves.

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