To Diagon Alley!

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(Y/n's POV)

I thought I wouldn't have another dream, but here I was again, I couldn't move, I couldn't hear or see, it was scary, until suddenly, a dimly green light appeared for what felt like a second, and a scream of a man made me feel sick, followed by a woman's scream, and what seemed like a lightning bolt, but scarier...


There wasn't any screaming, but I started to feel something, I don't know what, but I felt something in my body, like when someone hugs you, but harder and everywhere, I saw only darkness again, and then, light.

When I opened my eyes my mom wasn't waking me up, it was weird, because she always helped me wake up, she knew how to, because my dad tried once and got a bit shocked when he saw how grumpy I get waking up, since then my mom was the one in charge of me.

I spent a few minutes in bed, trying to remember my dream, it always happened, I couldn't remember any dream I had, usually I had no trouble just brushing it off, after all it's only a dream, but there was something off about the last few dreams I had, and this one made me feel... sad? I don't really know, but it felt important.

I stood up, and went to the living room, my parents were there, sitting in the couch, but the room was in a weird mood, I couldn't put it into words, but it felt like they were gloomy, it was kind of weird to see them like this, they wouldn't fight often and if they did they would solve it the way grownups solve things I guess, never really thought about it, but the things that happened a few days ago made me start to think different about stuff.

My mom saw me, and her whole face changed, so did my dad's when he noticed me "Hi sweetie, I'm sorry for not waking you up today, I know it might feel weird, but things have been a bit... messy, since you found out about the magic world" She said, while looking at my dad, and even I could tell they felt a bit awkward talking about it

"BUT! Today is a new day! We'll go to Diagon Alley, we'll buy all of your school stuff and your wand, so I hope you're as excited as we are, because we'll also talk about us, this time without any hiding" When she said that, I felt weird, not because I didn't want to go, but because it felt like they were hiding something again, not something about me, but something about the way they felt about me going to the magic world.

Mom looked tired lately, maybe she's been too worried about me, I don't know why, the whole magic thing seems so exciting and cool that I don't know why they would hide it for so long, I mean, what kid wouldn't want magic right?!?!?

Anyways, since my birthday we talked as a family, because according to my parents, we had to know how to approach the subject, I guess they did, because they looked kind of fidgety, like that time I broke one of my mom's vase for one of her plants with one of my kicks once, I felt so nervous that my hands wouldn't stop shaking. I thought they would be mad, and I think they were, but they knew I didn't do it on purpose so they only left me without any videogames, I had to read books all the time, which I liked, so It didn't really feel like a punishment.

- "So, little man, what are you most excited to get in Diagon alley?" Said my dad, pulling me out of my thoughts while he smiled, he also looked tired, but not the same as my mom, it looked like he had worked a lot in this few days because he spent most of his time in his office, he had baggy eyes.

"Aside from my own wand, I'm really excited to learn flashy magic, like fireballs! And also finding books for any kind of spells, OH! And also books for magical creatures, like dragons!" I said while I jumped around the room, my mom always said that I couldn't stand around in the same place for too much time, I start to move my leg up and down while I'm sitting for too long, I don't know why thought, most of the time I don't even notice it.

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