What happened that day...

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31st of October, 1981

(Salazar's POV)

It all started like a quiet and pleasant day, my wife was taking care of our son, while I was reading some reports I asked the ministry, things were complicated because of a group of extremists that is causing troubles and killing everywhere they go, as I was analyzing the information, an owl came with a letter, it was a family crest I recognize perfectly, it was my mother.

This was a strange occurrence because my mother didn't speak a lot with us until very recently, she was a blood supremacist because of our family status, but thanks to my uncle Alexander, she realized little by little that her way of thinking was too old-fashionable and too damaging.

My Uncle thought different than my family because, when he was 17, he had a fight with my Grandfather and he ran away from home for a whole year, during that year he lived with muggles and they took him in as if he was one of his own, this made my uncle's opinion about muggles and muggle-borns to change for good, so when he returned to his home, everyone on the family thought he was weird and wrong, but they accepted him because even if he thought different, he was family.

Getting back to the letter, what was written in it was kind of alarming and by just looking at it one could realize it was written in a hurry, the handwriting was almost illegible, in it she mentioned that something happened and that she was on the way to our house, but she didn't explain what happened.

My mother moved traditionally because she never learned to apparate, so it was natural to think that she would take a few hours to get here, so I got up and went to where my wife and son were, and informed her about the content of the letter.

Phoebe looked at me with worry in her eyes and said.

"Do you have any idea of what could've happened? For your mother to be in this much of a hurry it must be something urgent."

I spoke calmly to not make her worry

"To be honest I don't know, but we have to stay calm, if it was an emergency, she would've written it in the letter, we don't win anything by worrying too much about it, you know how my mom is."

She said "Yeah, I do know her, she's always exaggerating things" with a nervous chuckle at the end

After 3 hours the sun had already set, and I heard a knocking on the door.

I got close to the door, pulled out my wand, and whispered "Homenum Revelio" when I saw who it was, I opened the door confident and said.

"How is it going moth- "

Before I could even finish my sentence, she walked in almost running, almost tackling me while she was saying.

"There's no time for chitchat, you three need to get out of here quickly, you're in danger."

Nervous, I asked, "What are you talking about?" My wife and I exchanged glances filled with worry.

"He found you guys, he'll come for you" It was the only thing my mother said.

"Why would he come after us? It doesn't make any sense, he never suspected me" At that time my mother knew well that I was a double spy, alongside a good friend, but I executed my role perfectly, so I didn't understand why he was coming for us.

My mother answered me by saying

"I don't know, but I heard they had a meeting to talk about a certain prophecy, Snape told me, but he couldn't come himself, that's why he asked me to come, though he didn't need to, I would've come even if he hadn't asked me."

"Now enough talking, you must grab everything you need and leave this place immediately, as far away as you can, try to cover any trace, be it magical or physical, I'll buy you guys all the time that I can, now leave!"

My eyes widened as I realize what my mother was planning on doing.

"No, you must come with us! Or at least with my wife, I won't let anything happen to you, if I must I'll be the one that buys you three all the time I can."

"No, dear, after everything I've put you and your family through, this is the least I can do to amend for my mistakes, let me do this, not just for you, but for me too, your son needs a father, I'm not necessary for his life."

I tried to convince her, but after looking at her eyes full of fire, of determination, I gave up, and hugged her for the last time, my eyes threatening to drop tears.

Phoebe, who was watching as everything happened, got closer to my mother, they locked eyes, and my mom said.

"I hope that, someday, you can forgive me for everything I've said and made you go through, I know that maybe you won't, but I hope that when you think of me there's no hatred in your heart, that you remember me for this last moment."

Phoebe said.

"I've never held a grudge against you, you're the woman that gave life to the person that has given me more happiness in the entire world, even after everything you've done, I forgive you, and you won't ever be not needed in my son's life, I'll always remind him that his grandmother was a heroine at the end of her life, thank you"

They looked each other in the eyes, and for the first time, they hugged, my wife was crying, but my mother wasn't, she had a determined look in her eyes.

My mother walked out of our house and stayed there while we fetched our son and some important things. When we walked outside, just before we left, the sky started to roar in lighting, and right there we knew he was here

Lord Voldemort arrived

He spoke in a terrifying tone, devoid of all emotion.

"I didn't expect to see you here Margaret, now get out of my way and don't make me lose more time"

"No, Tom, I won't let you hurt MY family, I don't care who you think you are, I'm not afraid of you, for me, you're just another human."

Voldemort answered

"Don't fool yourself, Margaret, I know you're not that brave enough to face me, drop the facade, I know you're scared."

Then my mother raised her head and looked at him with defiant eyes and said.

"I've lived my whole life following other people's paths, that's why now I'm not afraid of you, Tom. I finally took my own decision." My mother held her wand high.

Voldemort narrowed his eyes and said.

"Then you will die for standing in my way."

At that moment, Voldemort pulled out his wand and attacked, as my mother did the same to defend us.

Spell after spell my mother recoiled with each impact and I thought out loud.

"She can't do it by herself, I have to help her!" But then, before I got the chance to move, Phoebe grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"If you go now, all the sacrifice your mother is doing will be in vain, it's the only way we survive."

I looked at my mother with despair for the last time, she looked at me, nodded with her head, and I grabbed my family.

Just before we apparated in another place, I heard those fateful words.


And the last thing I saw was a green light before we appeared in The Leaky Cauldron.

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