Endless Searching and Christmas

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was already November, my birthday coming every day faster and faster. I wanted to invite everyone, but I knew we had more pressing matters at hand, the scenery was changing to a more snowy one, which I liked. I loved the way the snow gathers around everywhere, I never got to experience it first hand, so it was nice.

By Harry's own words, Wood was training him to the bones, and with good reason, as Quidditch season had started, it still looked really dangerous, but if he enjoyed it, it was okay I guess, Wood wanted it to be a secret, but somehow it got leaked.

"D-don't worry Harry, you'll do great mate!" I said, trying to get him to have more confidence.

He looked... defeated, and with a little "Thanks (Y/n)" he always left it at that.

Me and Hermione now helped Harry and Ron with their homework, Hermione was always more tough with them, and me, well, I'm not very good at saying no, so every time they asked Hermione to let them copy their homework and she said no, they would ask me immediately after.

Hermione lent Harry a book about Quidditch, which honestly didn't caught my attention, so I just forgot the name, but thanks to our newfound friendship, Hermione got a bit more relaxed with studying and rules, don't get me wrong, she still studied a bloody lot, but it was... at a lower pace?

"Um, do you really want to read all of those books, Hermione?" I asked, as I saw her take out a dozen books from the Hogwarts Library.

"Yeah! They're interesting, besides, knowledge is always a good thing" She said.

"But aren't some of these books years ahead of us? Are you sure you won't oversaturate yourself?" I was concerned, so I asked

"What? You don't think I'm capable?" She asked, in a somewhat angry tone, as she usually did when she felt her intellect was being questioned.

"N-no, of course I think you're more than capable! It's just... I'm worried about my best friend, you know? Besides, I like how you talk about books while you're reading them, it's just... mom said too much of something is sometimes bad" I said, laughing nervously, because I didn't want her to get angry.

She... blushed a bit? I couldn't see that very well, and as of late, my sight was getting a bit worse, it helped that I always sat next to Hermione, in front of the class.

"Oh, well,  thanks (Y/n), I'll try, you can read the books with me, if you'd like" She said, and that's how we spent our days mostly, I knew she wouldn't really try, because she was really stubborn, and we still had Herbology sessions which were the dead of me, but because it was Hermione, at least it wasn't as dull.

Anyways, back to the present, as I said, she lent a Quidditch book to Harry, and we were in the courtyard, freezing a bit, Hermione, as always, thought fast, and conjured a small blue fire to put in a jam jar, while that did make the three of them warmer, I was already warm enough, because Blaze was getting better at controlling her flames, and made my hand made pocket, and by consequence, my uniform, warmer to the touch, while we sat on the courtyard.

"You have to teach me that!" I said, laughing a bit, but quickly noticing her hands were trembling, I said "You're still trembling, do you want to share Blaze's warmth with me?"

She looked taken aback, and after hesitating for a bit, sat closer to me.

"Ah... that feels better, Blaze is controlling her flames better, as I can see, but it was obvious, fire dwelling salamanders have a really easy time controlling their flames with the right owner" Said Hermione, apparently she read about them too, I was happy about that, it meant she liked Blaze, but I mean, who wouldn't?

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