From where i really came from...

323 12 11

19th of December, 1990

(Y/n's POV)

As I was sleeping, a noise in the background started to annoy me, I knew it was the alarm, but even so, I wanted to keep sleeping. The noise started to grow quieter, and when I finally started to drift off to sleep again, I heard my mother walking through the door and as always, almost screaming.

"Happy birthday little man! How have your first hours of having 11 years been? Exciting, right?" Said my mom as she shook me, hugged me, and kissed me.

"You know mom, a good birthday present would be to let me sleep past the alarm," I said still half-sleep and a little annoyed, like every morning.

"Can't I sleep a litt-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FAVORITE GRANDSON" Yelled my grandma Eliza as she runs into the room to hug me.

"I guess I won't be able to sleep anymore..." I thought as I suffocate in my grandma's embrace; for an old woman, she had impressive strength.

"It's not like you have more grandsons..." I said with a strangled voice due to the embrace.

"That's what makes you more special, my only and most beloved grandson," Grandma said as she breaks the hug, she took my cheeks, and squeezes them, and then she pats my head.

"Leave the kid alone, it's his day, he should be able to sleep what he wants, Don't you think?" Said my father chuckling as he walks into my room.

My dad gets closer to me, sits in my bed, and pats my head, then he hugs me and started to talk.

"Happy birthday little man, I hope this birthday is special to you, and I hope to be by your side to see many more of these. I love you (Y/n)."

After he said this, some tears threatened to come out, I don't know why, but I've always been emotional in general, holding back the tears I answer him.

"Thank you all so much, I love you, each one of you," I said as I hug my dad.

After the embrace, I say to everyone.

"I'm not sleepy anymore, so, mom, what's in for breakfast?" I said as I chuckle a little.

"Well, dear, as it's your special day you can ask me anything and I'll do it for you." As my mom stops talking, I start to smile.

"But no candy at breakfast, you could get sick and I don't think you want that on your birthday, Do you?"

With this, my smile vanishes, but mom's right, stomach ache is the worst.

"Then surprise me!" I said to my mother with a wide smile.


After getting up and dressed, I walked to the living room, I was hungry and expected the breakfast to be something I like, but even before I could get to the table, someone knocked at the door and we all looked at it.

"I'll go," I said as I started to walk towards the door and opened it.

The sun dazzled me for a second and I waited for my eyes to grow accustomed to the sun, then I spoke and said.

"Who is it?" I asked while narrowing my eyes.

"Well, well, hello there little one." Said a strange old man.

The old man was tall and thin, he also looked pretty old, he had silver hair and a long beard of the same color. He was wearing some kind of long purple robes, alongside a purple cloak and high-heeled buckled boots. His eyes were a blue light color, they were bright and it seemed as if they were sparkling behind some half-moon spectacles and he also had a long and crooked nose.

The (Un)Wanted Grandson | Hermione x Male Reader | Harry Potter SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now