Flamel, a Mirror and a Threat

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(Y/n)'s POV

Apparently, what I said to Harry struck to him, because the next morning he told us he tried to get information on Flamel on the restricted section, but was almost caught by Filch and Snape, he ran for it, and found a weird mirror, where he could see his parents.

"You could have woken me up," Said Ron.

"Not me, I don't think I would've been able to, I'm a pretty deep sleeper" I said, laughing a bit "But I do want to see your parents, Harry, do you think we could go again?"

"You guys can come, I was going again tonight" I wanted to ask him if he found any info on Flamel at all, but it didn't seem right, he has never seen his parents, I didn't want to make him feel bad about wanting to see them again.

"I'm freezing!" It was already evening, and we all went to find the mirror. Ron was complaining about the cold, but I was excited about seeing Harry's parents. Besides, I was too preoccupied to fit in the invisibility cloak to worry about the cold.

"Let's forget it and go back" Said Ron

"No!" Harry said and I, though Harry's voice was a bit louder than mine, we finally found the room, and Harry went and stood in front of it, and said.

"Look! Look at them all, there are loads of them"

"I can only see you" Said Ron, and I chimed in "Y-Yeah, maybe it shows things only to you?" I said, as I pushed Ron to stand in front of it.

Ron went on rambling about how he saw himself older and being Head Boy, holding the house cup and the quidditch cup and how he was Quidditch Captain, I took this time to examine the mirror more, and there were words on it, which I could decipher were Erised, I thought about the name a long time, as those two argued about something, until it dawned on me, as the letters formed and reformed themselves.

"Desire..." I whispered, they both looked at me and said "What?" I got nervous, overthinking about if I got it wrong, and just said.

"O-Oh, nothing, it's just... Erised backwards is Desire, maybe it has something to do with that?" I said in a question, to not sound too sure about it. "A-Although, don't take my word for granted, I'm new at this kind of stuff too"

"No, it has to be something else" Said Harry, as if he was denying it, to believe in what the mirror showed him. "Just, Ron, let me see it, you're only head boy, I want to see my parents"

Harry started to push Ron away. I tried telling them to speak quietly, but it was too late, as we heard a noise outside the corridor, and Harry threw the cloak over all of us. It was Filch's cat, and we decided to go back to the common room.


The next day, Harry told us he was going again, Ron and I told him otherwise, that the mirror felt weird. That afternoon, I went to talk to Hagrid in my free time. I wanted to ask him something, and Harry told me he knew a lot about magical creatures.

I arrived at his hut, and knocked on his door, after a few seconds he came out, with Fang following him.

"H-hi Hagrid, Hi Fang" I said, Fang came onto me and I started to pet him.

"Oh (Y/n), what do yeh want? Come in, come in" He said, in a relaxed tone, and I got in.

"U-Um, nothing much, I just wanted to ask a few questions, Harry said you know a lot about magical creatures, and I wanted to ask about Blaze here." I said, as I pulled Blaze from her little hand-made pocket, she was starting to grow a bit, she used to be small, but now she almost filled my whole palm, not counting the fingers.

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