Extra Classes and a Hatchling

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(Y/n)'s POV

It looked like I was right, in the weeks that followed, Quirrel put up quite a fight, but looked weaker every time we saw him, which was worrisome, but there wasn't much we could do aside from cheering him on from the sidelines.

We were in class one day, and Professor Dumbledore called me to his office, I don't know why, the stuff with the troll happened ages ago, and we didn't really do anything bad that warranted me going there, but I followed the order regardless, I was following Professor McGonagall, she said "Sherbert lemon" to a statue, and told me to go on.

Professor Dumbledore's office was really big, with bunch of books, bunch of pictures of people I didn't know, and a few weird cauldrons, one in specific called my attention, it looked like a cauldron but at the same time a well, in which there was a bunch of water, though, I didn't think it was normal water, nothing's normal in this world

Before I even got close to it, I heard a sound that interested me, like a bird squeaking, I looked around and saw it came from a red bird, whose feathers looked like flames, with golden ones on its tail, and eyes as black as coal.

I approached it slowly, thinking it would fly away, but it didn't, in fact, it flew and perched on my shoulder, Blaze got out of my hand-made pocket, maybe she thought it was going to do something to me, but the red bird just squeaked at her, and Blaze just tilted her head, and remained there.

"H-Hi, um, what's your name?" I asked, mentally face palming, obviously the bird wasn't going to answer me, it's not like I could at least understand its meaning like I could a bit with Blaze.

The bird simply looked at me, tilted its head, and then stayed there for what felt like forever because my arm was going sore, though I did take the chance to pet the strange bird, until someone whistled, I mentally thanked who did it, and the bird flew and landed where it was before.

"It seems Fawkes has grown quite fond of you, odd, he usually takes a bit longer to trust strangers" Said a voice I recognized as Professor Dumbledore.

"U-Uh, I don't know Professor, usually I have an easier time with animals than people" I said, "B-but, I wanted to ask, why did you ask for me? I-I'm not in trouble, am I?" I was nervous, it wasn't everyday the principal of the school called you in his office.

He laughed dreamily, caressing his long white beard, and said, with his characteristic twinkle in his blue eyes.

"Trouble? You are certainly not in trouble, (Y/n) I simply wanted to chat with you, do take a seat, please."

I did so without hesitation, there was something in his gaze, I don't know how to explain it, it was kind, but also intense, as if he was trying to look into my mind.

"I wanted to congratulate you for the bravery and skill you showed against the troll, performing that spell at such an early stage of your magical education, tell me, (Y/n), how did you learn that spell?" He asked, his serene vibe filling the room.

"T-Thank you, Professor, my dad, h-he, um, he taught me – I mean – he showed me some spells, he said he wanted to show off with some, but also wanted me to watch them" I said, my cheeks going a bit red at the sudden compliment.

"Diffindo was one of the spells he showed me, I wanted to help Hermione, but... the spell came out badly, it didn't even scrape him... I was just lucky to even be able to cast it" I said, feeling down.

"Ah, friendship, It's always been good motivation." He said, pausing a bit, and then continuing.

"Modesty is a virtue, (Y/n), while it is correct that the spell wasn't at it's full power, it is still a feat which shows your magical ability, do not underestimate it, Hogwarts is a place of learning and growth of magic, and it would be disrespectful to not acknowledge it. Therefore, I've talked with Professor Flitwick, who, if you must know, thinks the same as me."

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