Life isn't always fair but then again it never has been to me atleast.
So I don't hope for it never have since it never ended well.
I see the birds have started flying back home and here I sit in my 'home'.
Yes 'home' where you must be as good as good as your sibling and if you keep quiet your deemed manner-less.
Their eyes follow your around the stares of disgust crawling into your neck wishing you'd drop dead so you'd be able to escape the critic and judgement.
Life isn't always fair but when is it fair.
I must cover this and must not wear that.
Watch my time and don't dare speak vicious words or I'll be shamed more then I already am.
But then the sometimes life is fair is when-
I must stay hope and not complain because it shall keep me
And the others they have life in their favor they scream in the face of the night and twirl into the rays of the sunlight making me feel ever so trapped ever so locked.
So little that I don't think I'll ever fly even if my wings grow back.