Chapter one

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TW: SH,blood, alcohol

I sat there and everything was blurry. I slowly looked around in my own bathroom and noticed the blood of myself on my hand and on my thigh . I only thought "fuck". I rolled my head back and took a drag on the cigarette, this whole argument with my ex-girlfriend going through my head and I start crying and carefully took the razor blade. I look at the razor blade, with my own blood on it, I blinked a few times and got up and went to the sink so that I could see myself in the mirror. It felt like I was looking in the mirror for hours with just one thought in my head, "what should I do now?" I had a big fight with my ex-girlfriend and now she threw me out and I didn't want to come out of the bathroom because I know I wouldn't know what to do with me afterwards. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door and it's frightened me and I look at the door and she shouted "When are you finally finished? I don't want you here anymore." I thought about it for a moment and then replied "in five minutes, I still have to pack my things." I grabbed a towel and wiped my own blood off my leg, then washed my hands hoping she wouldn't notice that I was doing self-harm. She knew very well that I was not feeling well, but she always took advantage of it. Lost in my thoughts I unlocked the door and went out, I just took my bag with my things inside and disappeared. In the evening I went through LA I had hope that I would find a cheap hotel because I am not really well paid. I thought to myself "I haven't been out that long for a long time" and it was good, it helped me sort my thoughts. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I even forgot for a moment why I was here until I notice I stand in front of a hotel, „Cortez" I thought when I read the name. It looked older, but it didn't really bother me because I was interested in it. I thought for a moment if I should really go in there or not because something attracted me but something also scared me off ,it took 10 minutes to decide if I stay or not, "maybe is this the right choice" I thought. I opened the door and was amazes at how it looked because it wasn't as modern as the others and the lobby was very tall, I went to an lady with gray hair who was busy sorting the keys. I stood in front of the counter and made no noise because I didn't want to disturb. She slowly turned around and was startled and "Jesus, I'm sorry but I didn't hear you coming". I laughed lightly and said to her "it's okay, I didn't want to bother you" I read her name tag with "Iris" on it and then looked her in the eyes again, but she looked familiar to me from somewhere. "So, how many nights do you want to stay here?", This tore me out of my thoughts, I turned my head to the shield that said it should cost 60 dollar per night and then I look in her in the eyes again and said " I'll take two weeks first" and smiled friendly at her. She nodded and gave me a key with the number 64 on it. It's like I'm getting flashbacks from this place but I didn't know why. It felt so different here, so familiar? "Would that be all or do you need something else?" Iris said to me to get me out of my thoughts. I smiled and said "no, thank you, have a nice evening" and walked off into the elevator. To be honest, I didn't know where I had to go, but I had a feeling that I knew the way I was walking where I got out of the elevator I just thought again "why does it all seem so familiar to me as if I was here before?" I was so in my mind that I ran into a woman and there it was again, the feeling of getting flashbacks, but everything was blurry, I couldn't see anything. I propped myself up against the wall to control my balance. I slowly looked around but it was just the smell of smoke there. I couldn't really see the woman where I ran into her but I was sure someone was there. I looked around again but there was no one here. I continued to look down the long hallway and noticed that there was my room. The room 64. I straightened up slowly and went to my room but the thing just didn't get out of my head, I just thought "am I going crazy now or what was that?". I unlocked my room and put my things in the corner. I was so tired that I fell on the bed and thought about what happened today until I fell asleep. She was with me, I could feel her, but I couldn't see her, the smoke from a cigarette, I smelled it, I felt her presence, but where was she? I started walking down a long dark corridor, I ran faster and faster and felt the connection until everything went black. I screamed and sat up quickly and looked around my room and realized that it was just a dream and that I woke up because someone called me. I got up quickly and went to my bags and looked for my phone. I thought "shit where is this dumb thing" and then I found it. I look at my display and saw that an unknown number was calling me, I thought about it for a moment and answered it. It was my ex-girlfriend .. she cried and said "I'm sorry y/n, please come back". I only hung up because I know she isn't serious. I looked at the clock and decided that I can look around the hotel... I walked around the hallways until I decided to go back to the lobby. I arrived in the lobby and went to Iris who was reading the newspaper, I smiled and said "hi" she immediately looked up at me and smiled at me and said "ah nice to see you again". I don't understand what she meant by that, isn't it normal to see her guests again or am I just dumb? "Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you my name, I'm y/n" I smiled again and tried to ignore the answer she just gave. She grinned and nodded and said "You should definitely try the bar if you've been here that long". I nodded and said "Yeah, thank you, that's exactly what I need now" and laugh slightly. I went up the stairs after Iris showed me where the bar is. I met a woman who was dressed very conspicuously but I already found her likeable and didn't know why. She turned around and smiled when she saw me and said "Hello" in a friendly tone. There it was again, the feeling of knowing her like with Iris. I sat down and said "hey" back with a shy smile. "A drink?" She asked me. I just nodded and checked my phone again to know the time, "4am, fuck. I have to call my boss and tell him that I'm sick" I thought to myself. the woman put a small glass in front of me with vodka, I looked up at her and said quietly "Thank you", the woman smiled and said quick "btw I'm Liz", "Nice to meet you I'm y/n" I replied. Liz turned around and asked me "what's bringing you here at this time?", I took a sip and replied "a nightmare, ig?" I laughed. She turned back to me and just smiled at me. I looked around slowly until my eyes saw a woman with crazy hair and a leopard coat. It's stronger, like the feeling in my dream. I stare at her for a while until she turned to me. I saw in her smoky eyes. I can't describe this feeling what I have but I can't stop looking in her eyes until Liz asked me "do you want a drink again?" I slightly startled and nodded. After a while I ask Liz quietly "do you know her?", Liz looked at the woman who picket my interest and then look back to me with a slightly worried look "Yes, this is Sally" she say to me. "Sally? It's like I've heard the name so often" I thought and looked at her again until I notice that she was already sitting next to me for a long time and look at me.

A/N: I hope you like it and I'll try to continue quickly :)

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