Chapter ten

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TW: smut, mommy kink
To be honest, I was afraid to open my eyes at first because I didn't know what to expect because the last time I woke up I was tied up. I moved slightly to see if I was tied again but it was nothing, I heard Sally's breathing and opened my eyes and my eyes met her beautiful brown eyes directly, "Good morning love" she said peacefully with a smile, I feeling I were at home because I was complete with her, "good morning" i replied and yawned. She kissed my forehead and said "I have to go, are you waiting here?", to be honest I was a bit sad that we couldn't enjoy the morning together and I asked her "why are you leaving again?" I said with a slightly sad tone, "I just want to get something quick baby" she said with a slight smile. It was as if I had already forgotten everything she actually did to me. I just smiled back and said softly "okay", she got up and kissed me again before leaving. I wondered where she is going and thought about it for a moment before deciding to take a shower while she was gone. I went to the bathroom and got undressed and turned on the shower enjoying the hot water running down my body thinking about all the things that happened to me and sally, I was actually amazed that I wasn't dead yet or was I already dead and just didn't get it? I tried to suppress these questions in my head but it didn't work, I was a little afraid of dying but somehow not because I would be with Sally forever, but it would be best for me if I still be alive and saw Sally all the time but i don't think it will ever happen because sally is too scared of me leaving her, i was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't notice sally was in the bathroom undressing, "shower without me?" she said and i turned back with a shooked face and noticed her, "oh my god sally you scared me" i said and laughed lightly and she laughed too and came into the shower with me.

"What did you get?" I asked her, "You'll see that as soon as I'm done with you," she replied and started kissing me passionately, I moaned lightly into her mouth as I felt her tongue in my mouth, I felt her smile against my lips and her hand was on my lower back and she pushed me closer to her, "mhmm mommy" I moaned breaking the kiss to look into her dark eyes . She knelt in front of me and asked "will you listen to mommy?" and kissed my inner thighs, "oh god yes please" I replied and she asked me to tease me "please what baby?", "please just fuck me already ". I saw her smirk on her face and she put her tongue lightly on my clit "please more" I said with a loud breath. Suddenly she stuck three fingers inside me and I groaned loudly "oh my god mommy", she started to speed up her activity and my breathing became more and more irregular, "mommy I think I'm going to cum" I screamed with a high pitched moan and she replied "cum for me sweet girl" and after the sentence i came over her fingers she pulled them out and licked them clean "so sweet" she whispered in my ear and i just grinned trying to control my breath. "Now clean yourself and come to bed with me" she said and went back to the bedroom, I leaned against the wall and slowly breathing normally again, I washed myself and got out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body then i went into the bedroom and noticed sally sitting on the bed having breakfast i immediately smiled and went to the bed and kissed her

we kissed for a very long time and it got more and more passionate and rough until sally broke the kiss and breathed loudly and said "now let's have breakfast first", i smiled and took the food and eat it, it was one of the best moments in my life, I loved being so close to Sally and being so happy around her, I haven't been this happy in a long time. I started telling Sally more about my life and we laughed a lot, hours passed but it felt like a few minutes, Sally told me many stories about a James Patrick March and how funny she found him sometimes with his accent and I told her a lot about my boss and i often acted like as a joke so that sally always burst out laughing, i lay on her lap and was still laughing and said "god sally I love you so much", she smiled and a tear rolled down her cheek, there was a moment of silence and then she replied "it feels so good when someone says that without that I have to force people to say that.. I love you too" and she had a slight smile on her face, I took her cheeks and pressed my lips against hers.

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