Chapter five

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TW: pills, alcohol
I woke up screaming as loud as I could, I was having a nightmare at least that's what I thought. Everything that happened before I fell asleep was repeated in my dream and it got worse and worse. Sally jumped when I started to scream because she was lying on my chest. Tears are streaming down my cheeks and I am breathing heavily, Sally sat up and held my cheeks tightly in her hands trying to calm me down but I quickly looked around and realized I'm still locked here like this is hell. I looked into Sally's eyes and felt the hate again and tried to move away from her. Sally took her hands from my cheek and gave me a disappointed look "You still can't forgive me can you?" I was afraid not to answer again so I quietly said "Yes you treat me like I'm your pet Sally .. I don't feel well like this" I start to cry again. After a few minutes of silence she said "I'm just scared of losing you again baby", I looked away and pulled my legs back against me, "you would leave me again wouldn't you?" I looked back at her with one reproachful look and said "the way you treat me yes, I don't want to be chained here and given pills. I'm not dead so that I'm staying here forever.. Sally I've got a whole life ahead of me. I wouldn't leave you forever, but if I could at least get out, you're holding me here!", "I told you not to yell at me," she said angrily and got up and went to the bathroom. "Why are you leaving now? And why don't you answer?!". Silence. I heard her crying in the bathroom and tried to get a look inside the bathroom. I can only see her through a small slit in the door, standing in front of the mirror with a cigarette in her mouth and crying. I was kind of worried about her but I couldn't explain why because she was doing horrible things to me and I've only been here for 2 days. She turned around and saw me staring at her and I quickly sat back down because I didn't know how she would react when I did something like that. I was afraid of her. I only heard her get something out of the closet in the bathroom and then she went straight to me. I looked at her with a suspicious look where she was standing in front of me and she leaned towards me "you'll swallow the pills now because I have to do something", "please I don't want take the pills again" I answered and tears formed again. She slapped my cheek and yelled "stop arguing with me and you'll take the pills. And stop crying, it's exhausting, I'll take care of you and you hate me". I held my hand against my cheek because of the pain and just looked at her. I had no idea why but those words hurt so much, no matter how much I hated her, some other feeling was still there. I opened my mouth for the pills and she put them in my mouth and I swallowed them, she smiled and said „good girl". I looked down at my knee in embarrassment and she just walked out of the room. "Where is she going? And why do I have this interest in her, I don't want that", I got very tired again and laid down comfortable and slept, I was glad that I had time to myself without Sally forcing me to do anything. I woke up two hours later and Sally still wasn't there, I was actually a little worried about her but I tried to suppress those thoughts. I looked at the room very carefully to find a way to escape until suddenly the door slammed open. I was shooked and saw Sally walking into the room and I knew right away that she was drunk because she couldn't even walk normal. Without saying anything she went straight to the bathroom and I saw hickeys on her neck. Jealousy overran me and I didn't know why. A few minutes later she came out again and immediately laid down next to me, she snuggled up to me and hugged me tightly, "where have you been?" I asked with a serious tone, "none of your business" she mumbled. I placed myself away from her at least I tried to. She just took a deep breath and rolled over and fell asleep immediately. "How can she sleep so peacefully" I said quietly to myself and rolled my eyes. I lay down and tried not to make any noise to wake her up and fell asleep. The next morning I woke up again because of these nightmares and saw that Sally was still sleeping next to me, I moved a bit closer to her because I needed her closeness. I looked closely at her face, it made me a little bit happy to see her sleeping so peacefully. I smiled slightly and felt that she start to wake up, I quickly pretended as if I was still asleep and noticed how she carefully put her hand on my cheek and whispered "I love you so, why don't you love me?"

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