Chapter two

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I looked into her beautiful brown eyes, it's like I have nowhere else to look. I winced slightly where Liz had put sally's drink in front of her. I looked back to Liz until Sally asked "what's your name darling?", I quickly turned back to look in her eyes and quickly answered "y/n". I couldn't get it out of my head how she called me darling and I was so comfortable with her that I never want to leave her. She gave me a smile which I could never forget and then she took a sip of her drink and said  "tell me more about you my darling" and pushed a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed slightly and answered "I broke up with my ex-girlfriend who just lied to me" I stopped for a moment and looked at the floor "that's because I'm here because I had nothing else to stay and I have a job, it's okay there but I hate my boss "I laughed lightly. Sally watched me speak very carefully and I had the feeling that she was very interested in what I was telling her. She took out a pack of cigarettes and asked me if I wanted one, I nodded and she gives me cigarette and holds the lighter for me so that I can come closer to her to light my cigarettes. I asked her "what about you? Why are you here?" she looked at me and said "it's my home.. where I feel locked in and I can't escape", "Where do I feel locked in? What does she mean? What is this here? "I wondered but I didn't dare to ask what she meant by that and I just took my glass and drank. "Can I have another one?" I said to Liz and she just smiled and said "of course". I looked back to Sally who was just staring at her glass and smoking as if she were deep in thought. Liz put my glass in front of me and I just answered with a quiet "thank you" and took a sip but I noticed how I was feeling faint but I didn't care. Sally turns back to me and asked "does your ex-girlfriend know that you are here y/n?", I shook my head for a 'no' and grinned and then I add "Nobody knows that I am here." Slowly filled up the tears in my eyes because I felt so lonely as if no one is there for me. As the tear ran down my cheek, Sally came closer and carefully put her hand on my cheek and brushed the tear away but I noticed that she was crying too and as if she could read my mind she said to me "I know how that feels" and she got closer so that our faces are only a few inches away I looked her in the eyes for a moment but I panicked and turned my Head quickly to my glass and drank it, Sally slowly moved away from me. "It feels as if I had hurt her even I don't want that, I need her, I need her even though we have been know each other for a few hours. It feels like that as if I've always needed it." I thought. "Are you with anyone?" I asked so as not to have this strange silence anymore. She laughed and said "no, they all left me" she looked at me with a smiled but I could see her pain in her eyes. "I'm sorry" I said quickly and looked away but she took my hand and said to me "you don't need to apologize darling it's not your fault", I looked at my hand that she was still holding it tightly, the feeling what I had was as if I had found what I had been looking for years, it was like love, I haven't felt this love by someone for a long time even I don't really know Sally. "What is that" I only thought. I looked her in the eye again and smiled like an idiot, I just couldn't hold back the smile, I felt complete again after a long time. Finally. She just looked at me with shining eyes and also began to smile, we both started to laugh a little and I noticed how she was staring at my lips.

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