chapter theerteen

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TW: death, angst, alcohol
I felt the pain in my stomach and slowly opened my eyes. Everything was blurry and I wanted to scream but I couldn't, it was like I was frozen. I saw a person sit down next to me and she took me in her arms, it was Sally I could tell by the smell, her penetrating perfume and the smell of cigarettes, I couldn't describe how much I loved this smell from her, but I was quickly snapped out of my thoughts by hearing her softly voice in my ear "y/n please stay awake, you must not die here, don't leave me again.. ", she said it as if it was already standard that I would leave her, honestly it hurt to hear something like that. Sally kissed my forehead and I felt her tears on my skin, I noticed how they ran down my skin and I automatically had to cry with her. I heard many voices around me but I couldn't guess which ones they were as I only focused on one, Sally's voice, she's trying to keep me awake but my eyes were getting heavy and the pain was getting worse, I wasn't sure if I'm dying or not . "Please stay.." I heard her say and it got quieter, everything around me got quieter, I looked at her again, I didn't quite recognize her, but I saw the structure of her face and tried to smile slightly, at that moment Sally realized what was going on and said louder "no,no,no,no please no, don't give up", I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and closed them and I heard another scream, it broke my heart but I couldn't take it anymore I felt weak so I gave up and I didn't feel anything anymore. Sally screamed at the lifeless body for me to come back but nothing worked, Lucas just stood next to my body and was frozen, Liz came to us too and John was gone, he ran out of the hotel because he knew he killed a person who didn't deserved it.

Liz looked up at Lucas and said "run away from here as fast as you can and never come back!", Lucas was too confused to think about it so he did what liz told him, he ran and ran until he was no longer seen Iris also came to us because she knew exactly what had happened after she heard the loud bang. Sally hugged my body and it looked like she had no intention of ever letting go of my body and Liz and Iris tried to calm Sally down. It didn't work, she kept yelling at them both. Of course because I died in cortez I was now a ghost and was watched the whole situation in front of my dead body because I was still too shocked by what happened I didn't want to show myself to the three because I think it would be so confusing for them too if you know the rules of cortez well, i found it too early to show myself. Sally slammed the ground and screamed even louder with pain in her voice, after which she said "you left me a third time, why? Why do you keep doing this to me? I knew you didn't love me.." I gave her a shocked look and then decided to show myself, it hurt to hear those words, she acted like everything was my fault and finally whispered then "What are you talking about?", Sally gave me a confused look at me, she got up immediately and wanted to hug me but I took a step back and gave her an angry look "You think that was all my fault? It was your weird John that killed me! Oh and I mustn't forget that YOU tied me up here for weeks and I couldn't even do anything by myself and I kept coming back to you and now you blame me for everything?! What's wrong with you?!" I yelled at her with full anger and tears running down my cheeks because I was hurt by her words at the same time. She gave me a shocked look and started screaming back "that was for your best, I helped you!" I turned around and walked away, Sally yelled after me and I noticed Iris and Liz looking at me confused but I didn't want to see Sally anymore at that moment.

————————Time skip————————

Weeks went by and Sally and I didn't even speak to each other but I learned to deal with the fact that I'm dead but still I couldn't deal that I miss so many things, I missed life outside and the people, I missed my best friend and i lost sally and had to watch how she flirt with many people because she feels alone but i still couldn't forgive her for what she had said to me. I tried to ignore her, but sometimes I saw that pain I had in her eyes as well and I was kind of sorry. During this time I tried to get along better with other spirits and I got to know James Patrick March, Sally had told me a lot about him in the past, I got along well with him and we often spent time together, but mostly I was with Liz and we talked a lot about all sorts of things, she often ask me how I'm doing about Sally and I never quite knew an honest answer so I kept lying to her with the word "fine". Today I was again in the bar and sat down with Liz but I quickly realized that something was unclear as she was very tense so I asked "what's up? Everything okay?", liz looked at me with a little worried look, "today is the devil's night", "devil's night? What is that?" I asked confused and she said directly "to explain it simply, the most evil spirits come from this hotel." I was even more confused and didn't know what she meant by 'evil spirits' because I actually knew everyone here. It was afternoon and I decided to go back to my room, I had a lot of questions about that night and I was also a bit excited, when I arrived in front of my room I smelled this scent again and knew immediately that Sally is around here , so I decided to go to my room quickly, because I hated to see her, because it still hurt to see her, because her words kept playing in my head. I decided to take a shower in time and completely forgot the time because by the time I got out of the shower it was 7pm, I was thinking about going back to the bar and then I got ready for it, I put on my favorite clothes like that that I felt comfortable.

When I got to the bar it was a bit upset and I saw Sally sitting in the corner with someone, I pretended I hadn't seen that and sat down next to liz, she gave me a warm smile and I returned it, I ordered a martini and looked around, I thought a lot about life outside, I hadn't been dead a long time but I missed just stepping out of the hotel. I was pulled out of my thoughts when a woman sat down next to me, I immediately caught the smell of her cigarettes and flowers and looked over at her, it was like I knew her from somewhere, she smiled at me and looked into my eyes and I did the same, Liz came to us and said "oh my god Billie you're here!" and hugged her, she said "hey liz" in her beautiful voice, I looked at them both intrigued, liz noticed and said to Billie "that's y/n.. passed away here recently", I looked at Billie anxiously not knowing what she thinks of me until she broke the silence with "hi I'm Billie dean Howard Medium to the stars", " Oh yes I know you! I saw you on TV" I answered confidently, she smiled and said "you're different from the other spirits here, I don't have to be afraid of you", "what's that supposed to mean?" I asked sarcastically and we both started to laugh. "Mrs Howard, what are you doing here?" I asked her and took a sip of my martini, "you can call me Billie sweetheart, today is the devil's night I could communicate with dangerous spirits", I blushed the moment when she gave me a nickname. I felt someone staring at me and turned around, I saw Sally's eyes only fixed on Billie and me, she hadn't cared about anything else, I turned back to Billie and listened to her talking to Liz about her show, I was very fascinated by this woman and enjoyed listening to her.

I didn't think anything of Sally staring at us all the time because she was flirting with people every day so why was it suddenly so bad when I was doing that? There was nothing between us, was there? I tried not to think about it too much and then tried to distract myself, " with which spirit do you want to talk?" I then asked Billie and her eyes met mine again, "Richard Ramírez.." she replied and smiled at me, ".. but I am not sure if that's exactly what I'm going to do today cutie" she then said and put her hand on my thigh and I suddenly blushed, I smiled at her and decided to tease "so to what are you up then?" I asked innocently, and billie had the biggest smirk on her face. "I think we have to find out" she whispered in my ear and her hand came close to my core, I moaned softly in her ear and said "then come with me" with a smirk. I took Billie's hand and we headed towards the elevator, I turned back to see Sally but she was gone.

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