Chapter eight

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TW: Smoking
two months have passed and i have never felt worse, it felt like at the beginning i was sitting in my own bathroom and was full of sadness. i missed her, She was right I needed her. I needed her with me. After I managed to escape from the cortez, to escape from Sally, but my life just got worse and worse, I've never had such a strong connection for anything. I was sitting in my bathroom and smoking, with my tears in my eyes so that my eyes were already red from crying. I thought things would be better after the Cortez but no, I had found a new job and moved extra far away but I felt empty, I didn't know what to feel, without Sally everything was empty inside me. Not a day went by that I didn't cry because I couldn't forget Sally and it hurt so much I always thought she was a big mistake in my life but I was wrong. I missed her so much and I couldn't go back because I knew Sally wouldn't wait a second to kill me. "How is she doing? is she ok? Has she found someone else?" these thoughts ran through my head the whole time that I didn't have a free second to think of anything else. I stayed up for days because I couldn't sleep on my own, I tried staying at my only best friend's house so I wouldn't be alone but he treated me like shit and was so confident in himself that I couldn't take it anymore. After getting lost in my thoughts again I got up and got ready for a bath, when it was ready I carefully sat in because it was hot but it didn't really bother me, I dive under and closed my eyes taking all the memories with me and Sally were in my head and I couldn't get her out of my head, this thoughts driving me crazy, she's driving me crazy, I miss sally. I screamed as loud as I could underwater so no one could hear me. I came back and took a deep breath for air and immediately burst into tears, "I can't do this anymore" I whispered to myself in my teary voice. I washed myself and all I could think about was Sally washing me while I was with her, I got out of the bath and wrapped a towel around myself, I walked across the apartment to get a cigarette and then sat on the bed . I lit my cigarette and thought, "It can't go on like this," I thought. I blow the smoke out and got up, I got dressed and grabbed my car keys and walked out of the apartment, "is that really a good idea?" I asked myself, I got in the car and drove straight to Los Angeles . "I could still turn around and go home," I said to myself nervously. I said things to myself the whole trip and somehow to keep myself from going to the cortez but I couldn't take it anymore without Sally, it was like my life had no meaning without her. An hour's drive passed and I knew exactly that I was close to cortez. I was getting more and more nervous and didn't really know what I was actually doing here. I saw it, the cortez. I parked and looked out the window at the hotel for a long time, "what should I do now?" I kept thinking and I started crying again, I was so close to her and I knew that I already hurt her again and leave her alone again in the past. I banged my head on the steering wheel and was in despair, „what's my life without Sally anyway? It actually doesn't make any sense anymore." To be honest, these thoughts scared me, but I knew I was right, I still had so much to experience to do, but without Sally it wasn't possible. I got out of my car and looked at the building up and down as if I had never seen it in my life, I walked slowly to the entrance and looked around again very carefully, it was as if I was here for the first time. I stared at the door for at least 10 minutes and took a deep breath. And I opened the doors...
A/N: I'm sorry that this is so short the next chapter will be longer

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