Chapter six

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TW: rape, pills
I heard her crying again and decided to keep pretending I was asleep. She caressed my cheek with her thumb for quite a while, I just needed more of her closeness so I snuggled into her. I noticed she smiled and hugged me tightly. I was kind of safe with her, but I was also scared of her because I couldn't forget what she was doing to me. "Are you wake sweetheart?" she demands suffering "Yes" I mumbled, she kissed my head and said to me "I love you", I didn't answer because I didn't want any of this, I wanted to don't love her she ruined my life and then why would I love her but still I needed her with me. "Can you please take these handcuffs off for me? They hurt me" I mumbled and honestly yes I already had wounds on my wrists from the handcuffs, "no, I don't want you trying to escape." Suddenly the tears came up in my eyes again and I moved away from her again. "I'm sorry but I'm just scared of losing you." She said and started kissing my cheek. I just nodded my head slightly and didn't know how to react, she started getting closer to my lips but I quickly said "sally no." "Why?" she just asked and moved closer to my lips "because I don't want that , I'm scared of you and I don't even know how I feel about you", "interesting" she just said and kissed me with her soft lips on mine but I didn't kiss back and turned my head to the side. I might be disgusted by that and because I haven't had a bath in days, I got the idea to ask her if I can have a bath so I can distance myself from her. "Can I take a bath please I feel so dirty and I'm hungry too" I was lucky that Sally sometimes gave me something to drink but no food. She rolled her eyes and said "yes I'll get a bath ready for you", "what about food?" I ask "I have to organize first so you have to be patient" she said and got up and went to the bathroom. I just heard the water running into the bathtub and I was actually kinda happy that I could finally feel clean again and that I would get those handcuffs off. At least that's what I thought.. Sally came back into the room with a key and unlocked the handcuffs, I carefully rubbed my wrists against my hand because of the wounds and looked at them very closely. "Should I try to escape now?" I thought but no I'd rather not Sally would get me right away and the door would be locked. She held out her hand and said "come on and watch out because your legs might be weak", "weak? why?" I asked and she replied "because of the pills" and smiled, I felt that disgust towards her again for doing this to me. I took her hand and slowly tried to stand up and she was right my legs were so weak I almost fell over but she caught me and giggled. Sally walked with me into the bathroom "Thank you" I said and she just gave me a smile and closed the door behind us. I looked confused and asked her "Can you leave now?" She just laughed and said "no, I'll take care of you". I looked at her confused and she said "take off your clothes and get in the bath I will wash you", "I can do it by myself" I answered annoyed and she gave me an angry look and said "no", I didn't want to continue arguing with her because last time I did it she hurt me so I didn't want to risk that again. I undressed and was embarrassed. She held my hand and helped me get into the bath, I slowly sat down and stared into her eyes the whole time. She took a sponge in hand and softly washes my body. I had no idea what to feel at the moment but I felt her eyes on my body and I didn't know how to react and I was also a bit scared of what she was going to do to me. When she was washing me I asked her "why don't you tell me where you were yesterday?", she suddenly stopped and looked into my eyes and said "why do you care so much?", "I don't know, I just asking because of your hickey on your neck because it looks like you had a lot of fun" I answer with a slightly disappointed tone. "You confuse me, you know that? One moment you're scared of me and the next moment you're interested in me...", "I have no idea okay, I'm scared of you if you hurt me or give me the pills but I feel something else for you tho.", "and what?" she ask worried. I didn't answer for a while and then said quietly "connection or love? I can't describe but I never had this feeling" I looked in her eyes "please don't treat me like an animal or give me any more pills", she just laughed ironically "you would leave me then right?" she then said with a serious tone. "What no? Sally listen to me I'm not leaving you I would just get on with my normal life with you. And besides, people worry about me if I don't give anyone a sign of life. What about Liz, she knows exactly that I went to see you the night before.", she considered for a moment, "well, then you write to the people that you're still alive and that they shouldn't worry and we'll go to Liz's tomorrow that she know that you're fine," she said. "What? You can't do that I have a job Sally my boss will be wondering where I am.", "Call him and say that you need vacation or something" and she went on to wash me, I just took a deep breath and asked she "will you at least answer my question where you were yesterday?", she laughed briefly "You're curious. What exactly do you want to hear from me? You can already imagine it anyway. You're not that stupid so don't ask such unnecessary questions.", "why are you doing that?!" Anger and jealousy overcame me "you're having fun and I'm just sitting here helpless and can't even get out of bed when I have to go to the toilet!", "calm down baby, you were the one who left me and will do it again.", "fuck you Sally" And I stood up and got out of the bathtub, "what do you think you're doing?!" she screamed and grabbed my wrist. "Let go of me Sally!" and tried to pull me away which I managed but Sally hit me immediately and I fell on the floor holding my arms in front of me for protection, I started to cry and slowly looked up at her. "Stop it, you won't escape me. Get up now and be a good girl for mommy, "mommy?" I only thought, I got up and looked deep into her eyes, they were almost black with lust and suddenly I got scared. Suddenly she pushed me against the door and whispered in my ear "don't think I didn't know about your fantasy", she was right yes but I was so mad at Sally that sex with her was the last thing I wanted, she bit my earlobe and I said "stop please" in an angry tone. "Get to bed mommy will be with you in a minute," I just gave her a disgusted look and grabbed a towel and left. I heard her doing something in the bathroom but I didn't know what, she came into the bedroom and gave me a glass of water and I drank it right away because I didn't know when I would have a glass water next, I lay back on the bed and sally lay next to me and aggressively grabbed my chin and started kissing me, i found myself getting a bit dizzy and i didn't want to kiss her back, "I said stop sally," she started re-tying my arms which didn't wondered me and started kissing my neck and marking it. I felt so uncomfortable and didn't know what was going to happen next. "Mommy will make you feel alright baby", "no pls stop Sally" Tears welled up in my eyes and I realized now that Sally had put pills in my drink. She took the towel off my body that I tied around it because I still had no clothes and she kissed me on my chest and took one of my nipples into her mouth. I tried to turn away from her but it didn't worked, all was hopeless, I felt a smile against my skin. "I don't want this" I said and started to cry "oh come on I know you want this darling" I was getting more and more dizzy and to be honest I wanted to fall asleep deeply so I wouldn't see it feel what she was doing with me. She slowly placed her fingers on my clit and I quickly turned my head away. She slowly made a circles on my clit and started kissing my thighs and also marked me, I tried to kick her away but it didn't work, I was too weak, the pills made me weak. She replaced her fingers with her tongue on my clit and suddenly pushed two fingers inside me, I just screamed in fear and cried like a little child. "I don't want to be here anymore" I thought and luckily I finally fell asleep from the pills. I didn't even want to imagine what else she had done with me. I woke up three hours later and it was all dark in the room, "Sally?" I asked anxiously, no response. So she wasn't here, luckily, I finally had time to think a little. I thought a long time about how I could escape from here until I came up with something, I could fake strong feelings for Sally so that she trusts me more and if we should go to Liz there might be a chance to get out of here. Suddenly I heard footsteps in the hallway and I could already hear that it was Sally, so I lay down quickly and pretended that I was still asleep, I listened to her very carefully as she took the keys out of her jacket pocket and unlocked the door. She turned on the light and I pretended to wake up, only then realizing I had hickeys all over my thighs. "Hey Baby" she said with a smile, "hey" I replied with a smile, "I have no idea how long I'll be able to stand playing all this" I only thought. She just gave me a slightly shocked look as if she hadn't expected me to greet her like that. "Can you come here please?" I asked her and she quickly said "Sure", she came to me and stroked my hair "What's wrong?", "Come closer please", she did as I told her and leaned down to me I sat up and whispered "kiss me please" in her ear, she didn't look into my eyes for long and then kissed me immediately. The kiss became more and more passionate and I moaned lightly into the kiss, "fuck what was that" I thought because I didn't want that at all. I slowly pulled away from the kiss and just grinned. She looked so happy all of a sudden and it was actually cute, "why couldn't it have been like this from the start" I thought. "I have something for you sweetheart" she told me and went to the armchair where she had packed her things on it, "what is it" I ask kinda excited. She didn't answer me and only came back with a small bag, at first I was afraid that it was some pills or something. She unlocked my handcuffs and sat next to me and gave me the bag "extra for you" she said with a smile. I looked her deep in the eyes and then slowly opened the bag. "Food!" I yelled with a smile and she started laughing, I didn't know why I was doing it but I hugged her tight and whispered "Thank you so much". I sat back down and immediately started eating and Sally lit a cigarette and watched me eat. "When are we going to liz's?" I asked with my full mouth, Sally smiled slightly and said "tomorrow morning?" I answered "yes" with full conviction and kept eye contact with her.

A/N: it's a little bit longer but I hope y'all like it

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