Chapter seven

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I felt so free despite being locked in here, I felt comfortable with her again. I finished to eat and got up to pack the bag away and sally immediately got up and approached "don't worry I won't run away" I said with a smile and she just looked at me suspiciously and then said "okay" and left back to bed. I came back and sat on the bed, I starred at her "starring is rude sweetheart" she said without looking at me, I laughed lightly and asked "can we please still take off the handcuffs?" I was scared at first to ask because we fought about it last time. She didn't answer for a moment and then asked "Why?" and looked deep into my eyes "they hurt me and I want to cuddle with you when I sleep" I blushed, "why do I blush? It was actually just a lie wasn't it?" I thought,she had the cutest smile on her lips and said "yea okay" I smiled back and lay down. I took the blanket and put it over us and snuggled up to her. I laid my head on her chest and listened carefully to her heartbeat, it calmed me. "why do I feel like this? She's a bad person and treats me badly, why am I so attracted to her?" I thought again, noticing Sally slowly stroking my hair. I was so happy I forgot everything around me, it felt like we were a real couple who really love each other. I lifted my head to look at her face, we made eye contact for a few minutes without breaking it. My face slowly approached her face and stopped just a few inches before her lips "god I think I love you really" I whispered and she placed her hands on my cheek with a smile and whispered back "I love you too" I saw that a tear ran down her cheek. I kissed her immediately on her soft lips and the kiss was full of love until suddenly the thought came back to me "what am I doing here? Why do I kiss her and why do I like it? Why did I just say that as if it were my real feelings?" I thought and looked into her eyes again, as if she could read my mind she said "I don't really want to do this to you.." she interrupted hers sentence and she started to cry ".. I'm just so scared of losing you again, I can't do it again, that was the worst thing that could ever happen to me, it made everything worse here than it already was," I laid my forehead on hers and said "I'll never leave you forever, I just want to get on with my life because I'm not dead yet", "I know" she just answered and I didn't know how I should feel in the situation. I kissed the tip of her nose and just said "let's sleep" with a smile and she just nodded. The mood was weird between us and it felt like she was deep in thought. I kissed her again and laid back with my head on her chest. I heard her heart beat was faster and hugged her tightly. I fell asleep deeply with no nightmares or fear, it had been a long time without fear. The next morning I woke up and noticed right away that Sally wasn't lying next to me, I sat up quickly and saw her looking for something in my bags. She turned to me and said "Good Morning Baby" with a slight smile, "Good Morning" I answer and yawned, "What are you doing with my stuff?" I asked confused and she answered directly "Finding clothes for you, you wanted to see Liz", I just smiled and she handed me my clothes. I got dressed as quickly as possible without even knowing what I was putting on. "Ok I'm ready!" I said, "Wait" she answered and came to me and brushed my hair, "now you're ready" she said and laughed lightly, "thanks" I answered and kissed her. We both walked down the hall together and I noticed her hand touch mine and I decided to hold her hand until she suddenly stopped in front of the elevator. "Baby promise me you won't do anything you'll regret afterwards!", I looked at her confused and answered "I promise" lie. We went into the elevator and I kissed her again "this could be the last kiss" I thought, the elevator door opened and we went straight to Liz. "Liz!" I called and she immediately turned around, "oh my god Y/N you're alive thank god", I just smiled and Liz noticed that sally was behind me and she gave me the same worried look as before the night I met Sally. I sat down with sally and Liz asked "what do you want to drink? Or two?" and Lage looked at sally, "Just a water" I answered but Sally didn't answer. Liz turned around and finished my drink, I turned to sally and asked "is everything okay?, she grabbed my wrist and whispered "remember what I told you and don't say a word to liz" with an angry tone. I just nodded and felt the fear in me again, "the time was so nice with her," I thought and it was as if I would come back to reality. Liz placed the drink in front of me and I immediately took a few sips, "You seem pretty thirsty" she said and laughed, I just laughed back nervously, afraid to say anything because I felt Sally's eyes on me. "So how are you y/n?", "Good" I just answered and drank more. I had the idea how I would escape from her. I started a little small talk with Liz and drank a lot of water. "Sally, I have to go to the toilet for a moment, I'll be right back," I said with a smile, she pulled me right by my wrist to her again and looked deep into my eyes and said "I hope so," I slowly walked away towards the elevator and I noticed Sally's eyes on me again. I passed a set of stairs and looked slightly to the left and they led down where I could go straight to the exit. I immediately ran down the stairs to the left and I heard Sally just start screaming and following me, I ran faster until I got to the bottom and immediately ran towards the exit. "STOP!" sally yelled with a pain in her voice "NO" she yelled again. It felt like everything was in slow motion and I only had one goal in mind. I tried to run faster and faster and I heard Sally getting closer and closer. She wasn't far away...

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