Chpater eleven

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It was one of the most beautiful moments, everything felt right, many thoughts were in my head, but they weren't negative, they were positive. "You're letting me alive, aren't you?" I asked Sally carefully, "Yes, I'm sorry that I scared you so much but I was so scared of losing you but I noticed that you really keep your promise and still come back to me ..even what I done to you", I just smiled and looked deep into her beautiful eyes, "I hope she means it too.." I thought. "Is it okay if my best friend Lucas comes here?" Because when I wanted to make a new beginning in my life, I met a lot of new people and among them was my new best friend, although he were sometimes a bit exhausting and he was hanging out with the wrong people but I still loved him because it was my first real friendship I've had in a long time. Lucas and I had met at my new job and he was probably worried because I hadn't come to work for two days and left my phone in the car. Sally thought for a moment and I saw something change in her eyes but I couldn't describe what it was, she said "are you sure you want that? You know how dangerous it can be here." I just nodded and said "I'll just go and get my phone out of the car". I walked towards the door until Sally pulled me back by my wrist, "Sally what are you doi-", "Promise me you'll be right back," I smiled nervously at her and nodded again.

Her grip on my wrist loosened and I opened the door but turned back to her, looking deep into her eyes before leaving and saying "I love you" with a smile. Later I walked past Iris and smiled at her and she said "I haven't seen such a happy smile for a long time!" I started laughing and walked out of the hotel to my car. When I arrived I pulled out my phone and looked at it, I saw I had 26 missed calls from Lucas and just laughed lightly to myself. I called him right back and he answered and yelled through the phone "OMG YOU'RE ALIVE THANK GOD", I started to laugh and replied "yeah obviously, do you want to come visit me later at the Hotel Cortez?". Lucas didn't know about the whole thing with Sally because he would probably think I was completely insane if I told him that, I was interrupted when I was thinking about Lucas's "Of course I'll come and then please tell me everything exactly explain why you suddenly disappeared, because everyone is worried", "everyone?" I asked confused because Lucas was the only person who was there for me most of the time, "yes at work, our boss wanted to start a missing persons report", " I'm sorry Lucas I didn't tell you" I said with a sigh, "It's okay, so I'll be there at 1pm", "Good" I replied with a smile and bit my fingernails nervously, Lucas hung up and i felt someone staring at me the whole time, i looked left and right but nobody was there until i noticed that sally was standing at the window and didn't look away from me for a second, i smiled at her and immediately went back to the cortez to not keeping her wait any longer.

I sometimes wish I could understand Sally why she used to do this to me, at least why she was so scared of me leaving her even though I promised her I would never leave her. When I opened the door to the cortez I saw her standing by Iris and talking with her cigarette in her hand, I had to smile automatically when I saw that because I knew that Iris and Sally didn't always get along well. I walked up to them and kissed Sally on the cheek and said softly "hey", "would he come here?" Sally immediately asked with a suspicious look, "yes he'll be here at 1pm", I saw the expression change changed again in her eyes, but I still couldn't figure out why that was. Iris listened to us all the time and asked "who is going to come here?", "my best friend" I answered with a smile and I saw out of the corner of my eye that Sally just turned away and left, I said a quick goodbye to Iris and ran after Sally, "What's wrong Sally? Please talk to me" I said and took her shoulders to turn her towards me. "I'm just afraid he'll hurt you", "no don't worry he won't hurt me" I never expected such a side of Sally that the Sally who once hurt me the most suddenly worried about me that I get hurt. She looked down and said "good" quietly, I smiled and kissed her forehead. I looked at my phone until I noticed that it was already 12:47 and asked Sally "do you want to be there?", "no I'll sit somewhere else so as not to disturb you" Sally replied, somehow everything was weird, so I didn't know Sally and I worried about her. We went to the bar and I kept looking at her worried but she didn't care. When I said hello to Liz Sally went straight to the bar in the back without saying goodbye to me, it was like she was mad but what for?

I thought the whole time if I did something wrong until I suddenly heard a screech "y/n there you are!!!", I saw Lucas running up the stairs quickly and how he ran straight towards me and hugged me, I laughed and hugged him back. "God I missed you" he said and hit me lightly on the arm, I had to laugh more and more and said "Yeaaa I know I missed you too", we sat down at the bar and ordered drinks, "why are you here? he said a little disgusted, "I like it here" I said with a nervous smile because I couldn't tell him the real reason. He looked very carefully to everything and who was sitting here, "strange people are here too", I just looked down at the floor because I hated exactly that way about him, he always judged people immediately and I knew exactly that he meant Sally, "Have you ever seen the one behind you?" he whispered to me and gave Sally a reproachful look, I turned to Sally and noticed that she was deep in thought, I turned back to Lucas and said in an angry tone "it 's enough Lucas," I knew right away that I'd ruined the mood, but I didn't care. There was a short moment of awkward silence before Lucas started making small talk with me, he told me everything that had happened at work and how the most people were worried about me, to be honest I sometimes couldn't believe it. "So why are you here right now?" asked Lucas, "I needed a break from everything", "that's it? Not more? I thought it would be something interesting," he said ironically, I started laughing and so did he. We laughed a lot that time and he told me something about his love life, I listened with interest until I suddenly heard a familiar voice behind me.

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