Chapter fourteen

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TW: slight smut,knife
It felt like the night I was here at the cortez with sally, it all played out just like it did with Sally.. only I didn't feel complete but I thought it was because I'm dead. When we got to my room, Billie dumped me on the bed and kissed me a little more aggressively, I moaned "oh god" into her mouth, she smiled and continued kissing my neck. I had a weird feeling like someone was watching us, but I didn't really worry about that. Billie started to take off my clothes and I took off hers. The flashbacks with Sally hit me all of a sudden as we spent our night here and having fun, I realized tears suddenly started running down my cheeks and Billie noticed it too. She stopped attacking my neck and looked into my eyes, she asked "everything ok?", I was embarrassed and I only replied after a while "please just go ahead", she gave me a confused and worried look at first but then continued, I tried to distract myself with it so that I didn't have to think about Sally anymore but it didn't work and that feeling that someone was watching us didn't go away.

I tried to focus on Billie and how her hand was on my core making circles on my clit through my underwear, I moaned her name and looked at her. Suddenly I heard footsteps and pushed Billie off me so I threw myself on her, I looked behind me and saw Sally about to stab Billie, I grabbed her hand and Billie immediately got up, grabbed her things and ran out after her knew exactly what was going on, Sally pushed herself away and ran after her. It took me a moment to realize the situation that was just ahead of me and started running after them both, I saw that Billie was just running down the stairs for her life because the elevator would have taken too long because Sally would have stabbed her ten times since then. Billie pushed the door open  and Sally yelled "KEEP AWAY FROM HER!", I was so focused on running behind them that I didn't even notice what Sally was yelling at all, Billie didn't answer and just hoped she didn't fall down the stairs or that she would even get out of the hotel alive. As I ran down the stairwell I yelled "SALLY STOP!" and it echoed through the entire hallway. Billie wasn't to blame for what happened between me and Sally, but Sally blamed her. When we got to the last floor, Billie pushed the door open again with full force and glanced behind her to see that Sally was very close to her

When I got there I was completely sweaty and scared for Billie, because Billie doesn't deserve to be stuck here, I started crying and screamed Sally's name like a thousand times. Billie ran past Agnes and saw the door in front of her, she had hopes that she would make it out alive after all, Sally yelled "DON'T EVER COME HERE BACK YOU BITCH!" and stopped running. I still ran to Sally and gave Billie a worried look. Sally was furious and threw the knife on the floor, screaming as loud as she could as if to scream all her emotions and fell to the floor. My heart broke when I saw that and I got up to Sally and knelt on the floor and put my arms around her, she cried and snuggled into my arms. It felt like I was completely again, with her it felt like I was alive.. again. "I'm so sorry.. for everything" sally mumbled into my chest, I started to cry as I replied "I'm also sorry that I overreacted so much, I should have talked to you and not run away like a little kid .", Sally cried louder and it was as if she had suppressed all emotions from her for the whole week, "I was too jealous when I saw her flirting with you.." Sally said softly and I answered "then you know How I felt" with a light laugh but tears streaming down my face, I could sit like this for minutes, hours, days with her in my arms.

"I should never have done all of this to you" she said looking up at me, I tried to smile at her but Sally knew exactly how painful it was for me so I kissed her forehead and said "it's okay really.. just promise me you'll never do that again. I promise you that I will never leave you no matter what, no matter what happens and no matter for who." Her eyes shone with joy and she took my cheeks and kissed me, our tears mixed and her lips were salty from our tears, I pulled away from her lips and laughed lightly at the salty taste and she started laughing with me. It felt like everything around us was frozen and it was just the two of us. "At first I thought you were just going to lie to me and leave me like everyone else.. but you're not..I feel alive with you again and safe" Sally whispered to me and it was like she had the exact same thoughts as me and it made me happy to hear that she felt the same way as i did so I smiled and looked down and replied "I feel exactly the same sally".

we discussed everything again in more detail and apologized very often for what we did to the others. everything was fine again between us, she had quit drugs as well and i was very proud of her. the time we spent at the cortez was beautiful and it felt like we were the happiest people even though we were dead.

the end

A/N: Thank you so much for the support and everything!! maybe I will working on a another story in the future

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