Chapter three

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I didn't know what to do. It's feel like I just have to kiss her. It's feel like I can't leave her no matter how much I want to. I stared at her lips too and she moved closer to me so that our faces were only a few inches apart again. I was frozen and a little overwhelmed by the situation, but I bit my bottom lip and then decided to fill that gap between us and kissed her. It was like everything around us didn't matter and it might be like fireworks. I felt that my lips could not separate from her lips. The kiss was filled with love and I never wanted this moment to end. I felt Sally smile against my lips and it made me so happy to feel that. I felt my heart pounding so hard I felt like I was about to die. She broke the kiss and I already missed feeling her soft lips on mine but our faces were still close and she looked into mine with her beautiful brown eyes. I couldn't get enough of her, her smell of cigarettes and her perfume made me happy. She started to smile and automatically I smiled too, I feel like a teenager who had fallen in love. We didn't even break eye contact and she said to me "you're never going to leave me, are you?" I looked at her lips and then back into her eyes and said "no, I'll never going to leave you" and safely put my hands on her cheek because I noticed a tear running down her cheek. She smiled again and kissed me again but the kiss became more and more passionate and she bit my lower lip so that I opened my mouth for her. I open my mouth for Sally and only realize how I feel her tongue in your mouth and you moan softly. Sally grinned provocatively and put her hand on your thigh and you just noticed how wet you are already. She broke the kiss and I only noticed how her cheek rests against my cheek and she whispers in my ear "let's go to your room" and bit my earlobe lightly. "Yes" I just moaned and Sally got up and took my hand. I quickly took some money out of my pocket and put it on the counter for Liz and disappeared into the elevator with Sally, as soon as the door was closed from the elevator she pinned me against the wall which was slightly painful at the moment but I didn't care. She grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled it so that my head fell back and after that she had attacked my neck and marked who do I belonged to, I  just moaned and put my hands on her back and pushed her closer to me with that I feel her closer. The elevator door opened and we walked to my room without breaking the kiss. I desperately looked for my keys to quickly open the door and Sally massaged her hands on my breast and I moan. I looked again about my keys and breathed heavily.  I found them and unlocked the door, Sally and I went into my room and we weren't in the room for five seconds and she attacked me with kisses again and we went to my bedroom and Sally threw me on the bed. "Do you need me sweetheart?" and she put her hands back on my thighs and walk slowly to my core. I just pulled her to me for another passionate kiss and she slowly undressed myself and her hand was still on my thigh, she teases me and I wanted her so bad right now. I took off her leopard coat when I was still in my pants and bra, she just smiled against my lips. Her other hand was on my breast again and then she slowly opened my bra, as she pulled my bra away she gasp and moaned in my mouth "oh my you're so beautiful baby" and massaged my breast again and pinched my nipple when she felt how hard they are, I moaned and said breatheless "god Sally pls I need you..", "and where sweetheart?" she asked to tease me and she run her hand slowly to my stomach and played with my underwear, "you know that" I said and laughed slightly, she just giggled and takes down my underwear so that I moaned whimperly. She takes her hand to my core and moans "oh.. you're so wet is that just all for me?" She smiled and I didn't respond and just whimpered, "use your words baby" she said and I responded with "yes all for you Sally" and groaned. She started to make circle on my clit and I just moaned and grabbed her hair and she kissed me kind of aggressively but I just moaned and thought that can't be true because I felt like I'm in heaven when I was with her. She began to lower herself to my core and when she reached it she licked my clit and so many moans escaped my mouth and I said breathlessly "Please, I want to feel you inside of me Sally." At that moment she moans in against my clit and I felt the vibration through my whole body and moaned loudly, suddenly she stuck two fingers inside me and I couldn't control my breath anymore and I said "please..harder..and faster..", "so needy aren't we?" she said and giggled slightly and started pumping her fingers into me harder and faster and I just felt like I was really close to my orgasm. Loud moans and heavy breathing escape my mouth as I hit my high and screamed her name. When I came down from my climax and was gasping, Sally lied down next to me and say "I've got another surprise for you" and stand up, I gave her a confused look and noticed that she was going to her coat that was on the floor lay there and she pulled out handcuffs and a blindfold. I just smiled and said "ohh round two?", she said nothing and without saying anything went back to me and gave me the instructions blindfolded and then the handcuffs and fastened them to the bed. "It's interesting what you have in your coat" and I laughed. Sally still didn't say anything. I got an uneasy feeling. I couldn't see anything and couldn't move, I tried but couldn't. "Sally?" I asked just confused, "promise me that you are only mine and that you will never leave me" she whispered to me. At first I didn't say anything but then she yelled "SAY IT", I started stuttering because I was getting scared and said "y-yes I Promise". Then all I could feel was a hit on my head.

A/N: It's my first smut story so idk how to feel about it I'm sorry HAHA

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