Chapter nine

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TW: smut,smoking,mommy kink

I walked into the hotel again and already regretted it. I was very tense, any moment it could actually happen that Sally shows up and kills me. It could be my last breaths. "Why am I doing all this" I thought to myself and went to the reception. Iris just looked at me with big eyes and asked "what do you want here? Get out of here immediately." I smiled at her nervously and replied "I want to see her and I know the risks so don't worry". She glared at me and asked "why are you doing this my child", a tear rolled down my cheek and I replied "probably for love". "Do you want to stay here longer?" Iris asked me, and I nodded and asked "may I use the same room again, number 64?", "unfortunately that's occupied.." I couldn't quite interpret her tone but it felt like if Iris was hiding something from me but I didn't dare to ask because the whole situation was already overwhelming for me. She gave me a key with the number 57 on it and I thanked her and left. I felt her concerned eyes on me. First I wanted to go to my room to put my things down and then I wanted to look for Sally directly, so I made my way to my room. "It's not far from room 64," I thought. I was walking down the same hallway as last time and suddenly a door slammed in the hallway and I jumped and dropped my stuff, "god why are you so tense it was only a door" I said to myself. Suddenly that smell was there again, the smell that I missed so much, that smell I never got enough of, the smell of cigarettes and perfume, it was Sally's smell, I knew it.

"Sally?" I asked into the empty hallway, nothing not a single sound except from the people in their room but not Sally. "Maybe I just imagined it," I thought, I walked on and finally unlocked my door and closed it quietly behind me. I slowly leaned against the door and sat on the floor, I dropped my stuff and whispered "now I know how you felt, I'm so sorry Sally..." I started to cry "...I miss you you" I finished and looked for my cigarettes in my pocket. I lit my cigarette and got up again and finally decided to go in search of Sally. I first walked down the long hallway because of the smell from before, it felt like the hallway went on forever and I stopped in front of the door of room 64, the flashbacks overwhelmed me even if they weren't the best. I heard voices in the room but I didn't know who it was, they were too quiet, I knew that one person was a man and his voice was getting louder. I got scared and just quickly made my way to the elevator. I stood in front of the elevator and waited and heard a door open and the same voice from just before was again "maybe one day I can help you" he said to the other person, I couldn't see them but I heard at least one of them, that's when I got in the elevator and decided to go to the bar to see liz. To be honest I missed her too, I loved talking to liz about all things. I came down to the bar and met liz with a happy smile "oh my god liz I missed you so much!" I said and she hugged me and replied "I missed you too, but what are you doing here?", "I am here because of Sally" I said and took a step back, "because of Sally? Are you sure? You didn't looked happy last time you were here with her, what happened?".

There was a short silence and liz made me a martini, "well Sally actually just seduced me at first but then she suddenly started to tie me up and I got a hit on the head, she held me there for days and gave me Pills that I still don't know what kind of pills that were, I honestly couldn't even wash myself and I hated her presence by me.." I stopped my sentence and took a sip of my martini "..but I loved it too, i love her and i cant do anything without her" i said with a shy smile. "wow.. sally never told anyone anything about you and you saw her less and less after you left, you could see the pain in her eyes. You put yourself in danger y/n.." liz said with a sad smile and all these things liz said went through my head and tears formed in my eyes again immediately, "I know" I just answered and the tears ran down my cheek. After a while of silence Liz said "you look better than the last time I saw you" she said with a little laugh and I started giggling and replied "yeah I didn't get any food for days too". I noticed that it was evening and the bar was filling up, I didn't even notice who was there because I was so deep in thought. Liz came over to me after she had finished mixing drinks and said quietly "y/n I have to tell you something about Sally, unfortunately." I immediately looked into Liz's eyes and asked "what?", "check it out.." and she pointed her finger to the right to a man and a woman. I knew immediately from the hair and the clothes that it was Sally, but she was with a man and it looked like they were having a lot of fun together, I looked at liz again with tears in her eyes, liz looked at me with a worried look but I looked back at Sally.

She was so close to me but with someone else, I heard the two of them talking and flirting and knew immediately it was the man from earlier in room 64. Jealousy and anger overflowed me, I couldn't watch it. It hurt to much, all of a sudden I didn't feel needed by her anymore. Liz went to Sally and the man and asked the man "what can I bring you John?". "John. So that's his name" I thought and Liz kept looking at me with her worried look. "How could I not notice her, how could I not notice Sally is near me" I only thought, still staring at John and Sally with a disgusted look. Sally noticed Liz's worried look and followed her gaze, she turned around because her back was to me. And that's when our eyes met again, her beautiful brown eyes looking deep into mine. I was paralyzed, "What's going to happen now?" I thought and didn't even break the eye contact, it was as if we were both overwhelmed with the situation. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, it was like everything froze around us. "Fuck" Sally whispered to herself and immediately got up and walked over to me, Liz was talking to John so John didn't noticed anything. Actually I was a little afraid of what Sally would do now. She grabbed my shoulders tightly and I got up, she immediately grabbed my wrist and pulled me into the elevator after her, when we were further away from John and the others she said louder "what are you doing here?!", we got into the elevator and i replied "fuck sally i missed you so much" and kissed her she kissed me back and the kiss got more and more intense and passionate and i moaned into her mouth she started kissing my neck and said "I hate you for leaving me" and I felt her fingernails dig into my neck, "I know I couldn't help it but you seem to have had a lot of fun with John" John didn't get out of my head and the jealousy I had. she bites my neck and then marked it.

I whimpered in pain but I liked it too. "It was all your fault, I felt lonely.." she stopped her sentence and started kissing me again but then continued ".. but still I couldn't forget you" she slammed me against the wall in the elevator and I moaned "shit Sally", "I thought you hated me and were afraid of me" she said and her hands were all over my body "no I actually love you", I only noticed her smile against my skin and immediately had to smile too, how much I missed that. The elevator door opened and we went straight to my room without breaking the kiss, it gave me flashbacks from the last time I got here. She immediately pushed me against the wall next to the door and her hand went to my core and I moan softly, "I missed this so much" I said softly, "me too babygirl" she answered. She started to take off my shirt and I took off her leopard coat, not once we broke the kiss. Her hand was still on my core and she started making light circles on my clit through the fabric, I moaned into the kiss "Sally please," "excuse me?" she said in a stern tone. I smiled slightly and kept eye contact and said "mommy pleaseee" and at that moment she undid my pants and I pulled them right off "so needy my little slut" she said in a deeper voice it's drives me crazy how she makes me feel. To tease me she kissed my neck and moved closer and closer to my breast and I just whimpered. She pulled my underwear down and made light circles on my clit again "oh god please" I moan, "please what?" she asked with a smile, "pleas fuck me mommy" and suddenly I noticed two fingers inside me and I moaned loudly , Sally moaned too and said "so wet for mommy?" and she kept trusting deeper and harder, "y-yes all for you mommy" i tried to answer in between moans. I noticed how slowly the my orgasm build up and I moaned more irregularly and louder, "oh god please can I cum mommy?" I ask and She whispered in my ear "yes cum all over mommy's finger little slut" and when she said that I did the same and screamed her Name.

Sally slowed her action until I came off my high and she kissed me, but the kiss was filled with love, I had missed her soft lips on mine. "Let's go to bed or you'll fall asleep on the floor in a minute" she said and laughed, "how I missed that laugh" I thought and smiled at her and went to the bed at least I tried. Sally lay down next to me and I put my head on her chest. "I missed you sally.." I said softly to her and I noticed how I almost fell asleep, "I missed you too baby" she answered and kissed my head and so I fell asleep peacefully.

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