Chapter four

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TW: pills, unwanted action

I slowly came to me and caught the smell of cigarettes and I knew then that Sally was there. I didn't dare to open my eyes so I pretended I was still asleep. All I could hear was her walking around the room crying. I was trying to sort my thoughts about what happened yesterday and wondered why I got hit in the head yesterday. I noticed how the handcuffs were still on my arms. I was impatient and wanted to know what happened so I decided to open my eyes. I blinked a few times so my vision wasn't blurry anymore. I just saw Sally walking into the bathroom and I took the chance to look around so I know what's going on, I looked the room over carefully and then noticed there was a blood stain on my mattress next to me and then looked exactly my body if I have any wounds, I found nothing "is that from my head where I got the punch? Who was that? Why?" I asked myself and began to breathe heavily. Suddenly I heard Sally come back into the room, I immediately looked at her and only saw the smile on her face as if the situation was normal. "Sally what is this? Why am I still in the handcuffs, release me. Please I'm scared" a tear fell down my cheek and I looked at her with a desperate look. She came to me and sat next to me, she brushed my tear away. "It's alright, sweetheart, don't worry." "Don't worry? What does she mean by that?" I just thought and she continued to speak "you are with me now and cannot leave me again" she said with a smile and tears on her face. "What? Not leaving again? I just met her yesterday what is she talking about?" I thought and as if she could read my mind she said "I know this is all confusing for you." She stopped her sentence and possibly her head on my chest, I was starting to feel uncomfortable "You don't remember a lot of things, but you were here darling, at the Cortez and then you leaved me because you had to go" I had no idea what she means, I can't remember this place, but it reminds me that I had these certain feelings, that I know everyone here and the place too.
"You left me like everyone else.. for that stupid bitch for calling you and apologizing. I can still remember you coming in here completely drunk and I listened to you for hours telling me how much you hated your ex-girlfriend." Sally said and I felt her pain. "I hurt her, but I still don't remember anything" were my thoughts the whole time. She lifted her head to look at my face, I got tears in my eyes and she whispered to me "but now you will stay with me forever." She grinned again, "Am I dead?" I asked her, tears falling down my cheek "no, i'll let you a live but you'll never get out of here baby". I started to cry, I still wanted to achieve something in my life and now she said to me would she keep me here forever? No, I won't let her to rule my life. "I don't want to stay here forever!" I yelled, trying to tear myself away from the handcuffs "but you will and don't yell at me," she told me in an angry tone. "No Sally you can't keep me here forever I'm not your property and now untie me!" I yelled even louder because I felt hate for her at the moment. She slammed hers hand over my mouth so I couldn't speak and yelled back "yes I can! Now stop yelling at me or I'll have to bandage your mouth too!" She was still covering my mouth and lots of tears were falling down my cheek. "You will never leave me my sweetheart" she told me in a pleasant tone and kissed my forehead, she slowly removed her hand from my mouth and looked deep into my eyes. She gently placed her hands on my cheeks, not even breaking eye contact. I start crying because I didn't know what was going to happen to me and she said softly to me "shh.. you're with me, everything will be fine baby", "no nothing is fine or will be fine." I only thought. She kissed me on my lips, honestly I missed her lips on mine but I also felt uncomfortable when she did that.
I didn't kiss her back because I was disgusted and just gave her a disgusted look. "Stop it!" she yelled at me and I winced. "I know that you want that too" she said, "no" I just said to her and she looked at me with a hateful look and started to cry. Sally get up and go straight to the bathroom and I pulled my legs up against my body to cover it because I was still naked and I was uncomfortable with Sally seeing me like this. She came back with two pills in hand and immediately grabbed my face, I tried to stop her and tried to kick her away but she sat on my lap and grabbed even harder to open my mouth. "You're going to swallow these fucking pills now!!" "NO!" I just yelled and she jerked my mouth open and take the pills in my mouth, then she held my mouth and nose shut until I swallowed the pills. "Now you will listen to me or I will give you more pills next time, now you will sleep first and then I hope you will do what I tell you!" Sally screamed. I found myself getting tired and everything getting blurry "Sally..." just came out of my mouth and my eyes closed and all I could hear was her whispering "Good Night Baby" in my ear and she kissing my forehead.

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