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continuation of day 20

3:30 pm

As Kayla was in the dressing room putting on one of her sexiest bikinis to hopefully impress the new boy when he arrived, Mustafa was talking to Adam about his and Kayla's bright future together.

"I dont know man, I just feel like there is real potential between her and I."Mustafa was saying to Adam, "We're going at a really steady pace right now. I feel like by the end of the show if we make it that far, Kayla and I might actually become a lot more serious."

"Thats great man."Adam said.

"She's not trying to rush things and I like that a lot about her. We're actually taking the time to get to know each other. If we do become an item, i'll know for sure that what we have is real because we've taken the time to let it happen."

"Have you kissed her yet?"

"No. Thats way to much of a leap at the moment. Hopefully when we make things official. I want it to be special."

VC-Mustafa-Things are going great with Kayla. I hope that by the end of this journey that...I'll ask her to be my girlfriend.


After an hour and a half date, Alexa finally returned to the villa. All eyes were glued on her as she made her way through the backyard entrance.

"Where's your date?"Indi asked.

"He's coming, dont worry."she sighed as she sat next to Adam.

Everyone's attention was caught when they heard a second pair of footsteps coming in through the entrance. Not long after, Seth made his appearance.

Dean shot out of his seat, "Oh shit!"

Adam's whole system was shocked. He didnt move a muscle. He just stared on in disgust.

 He just stared on in disgust

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VC-Finn-Oh wow. Its the man himself.

VC-Kayla-Okay but...yum!

VC-Mandy-You guys got my hopes up for nothing...

Everyone erupted in cheers.

Seth greeted everyone by letting out one of his signature cackles. It was almost as if he himself was amused to be walking into the villa.

VC-Sasha-Yes. This is exactly what we needed right now *laughs*

Most of the islanders all raced over to welcome him.

"The star of the show is here people!"he exclaimed.

VC-Seth-I am extremely excited to be here because theres Dean, Finn, Sasha. Three of my closest friends. I honestly feel like im home. Im in the zone. Im in my element. A show filled with a bunch of trashy, horny people-myself included. Yes. One hundred percent my element.

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