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continuation of night 9

"Hey, you mind if I pull you aside for a second?"Montez asked Bianca who was currently talking to both Damian and Dana.

"Sure."she said as she left the group and began walking with him.

Jey who was in a group talking to Ricochet, Kayla, Indi and Eva took notice to the two as they wandered off.

"Ive been meaning to tell you this all day but I can never get you alone."he said.

"Whats up?"she asked.

They both sat on a daybed.

"Did Jey tell you anything about Mandy?"he asked.

She shook her head, "No."

"Well, last night when you were at the Getaway Room with the other girls...when we were all in the bedroom, Mandy went over to Jey and they both went down to the living room together. They were down there probably for about 10 minutes."

Bianca furrowed her eyebrows and slowly nodded.

VC-Bianca-I am not surprised. Hm.

"I aint tryna start shit but...I know how you feel about those two and I think its something you should know. Im just looking out for you."

"Thanks Tez."she said as she gave him a quick hug.

Damn, you cant do or say anything in this house without someone ratting you out can you? But who am I to judge? If I was there, I would have been the one ratting people out.


"So tell me Damian, who do you have your eye on in here?"Dana flirtatiously asked Damian as they along with Kayla, Matt and Doudrop were seen sitting on the re-coupling bench.

"Jeez, the question should be which of you ladies I dont have my eyes on."he responded.

"So you're into everyone?"Kayla asked, "There isnt that one special person that caught your eye the most?"

"Well...."he rubbed his chin, "Probably blondie right here."

He twirled piece of Dana's hair around his finger.

Dana grinned.

"The name's Dana."she informed.

"How about I change your name to 'Mine'?"he said.

"Hmm...we'll see about that."she smiled.

VC-Dana-I totally think Damian is attractive. He is 100% my type, like...oh my gosh.

"Thats weird bro. Why would you want to change her name to your name?"asked Matt, "Wouldn't it be weird dating a girl also named Damian?"

"Thats-thats not what he meant Matt."said Kayla.


day 10

8:30 am

"Its so great to see you guys!"Liv said as she went over and gave all 3 of the new boys hugs.

VC-Liv-So Dean and I havent spoken to each other since our argument yesterday. I dont know where we're at at the moment but....we gotta figure our shit out. *laughs to herself*Its so funny that....he's the one that fucks up but I gotta try to repair things. Funny isnt it....

Liv found Dean laying on one of the daybeds. She went over and sat next to him.

"So do I not exist anymore?"she asked him.

"You must be mistaking me for the wrong person. Im not Adam, he's in the kitchen."

"Oh come on Dean. I dont give a crap about him."she said, "Whats going on with us right now? I gotta know."

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