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continuation of day 21

Kayla was seen sitting on one of the daybeds next to Mustafa.

"So I know I owe you an explanation about what happened during the game."she said to him.

He slowly nodded, "Yea because to be honest...that was kind of embarrassing."

"I know and im so sorry. I really like you Mustafa, I do. But after getting to really know you I just feel like...maybe we'd be better off as friends. I dont think that I can be the girl you need."

"So....it took you two weeks to come to that realization? You couldnt have told me that sooner? You had to embarrass me like that in front of everyone?"

"I didnt know how to tell you. You're so sweet and...I didnt want to hurt you."

He frustratingly sighed. He couldnt even look at her.

VC-Mustafa-I am not surprised that Kayla's feeling this way. Its just my luck. The thing about it is that...since ive been here ive only had eyes for her. I dont really want to pursue any other girl in the villa. I feel like im at a dead end right now.

"I dont understand. Where did I go wrong?"he asked.

"Its not you. You did nothing wrong. I know that you're looking for a potential wife at this point and....I dont feel like that could be me. I just know that you'll find your perfect girl eventually. But I know its not me. I care about you Mustafa, thats why im doing this."

"Well...I just feel like ive wasted the last two weeks."he said.

She pouted, "Im sorry."

VC-Kayla-Im not going to fake and pretend that im the girl for Mustafa. Im not. No matter how gorgeous he is, im not going to fake it. We want very different things for our future. I want to do a lot of travelling and exploring, he wants to settle down and have a family. I know I should have told him sooner but....at least the truth is out now.

VC-Mustafa-I...dont even know where to go from here. I feel....really stupid right now.


After taking a shower to wash off all the pie that was on him, Damian headed over to the bedroom where Sasha was, relaxing on her bed.

"So what was that today? You smashed a pie in my face and caused a scene for what?"he asked as he dried his hair.

"I didnt cause a scene."

"So what was that about?"

"Lets just say that im aware of all your little secrets. You and Dana. You and Eva."

"Okay and? What was it that I did that was so wrong?"

She got out of her bed and stood up, "So you dont think that I wont have a problem with you hooking up with Dana on the first day here? And then the next day for our date you were acting like nothing happened! I knew you and Dana were into each other but I didnt know things got that far! And you didnt even have the decency to tell me?"

"It wasnt anyone's business."

"Yea but now I feel like an idiot. You know, that says a lot about you Damian. And I know you wanted Eva. You wished that you were coupled up with her instead didnt you?"

"So let me guess, Seth told you all of this?"

"It doesnt matter who told me. You're just leading me on right? Im the safe bet right? It makes me wonder if you're here for actual love or for the money."

"Safe bet?"

"Yea because with me, you actually have a chance at getting this money."

"Are you serious right now?"

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