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continuation of day 34

7:12 pm

The backyard was used for the site of the dates

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The backyard was used for the site of the dates. There were two tables set up on the lawn, each with two chairs on either sides. Summer and Aliyah werent stationed that far away from each other.

Due to the massive expense Dean and the guys put us in earlier, we couldn't afford to have the dates in a fancier location.

The atmosphere was serene; perfect for the occasion. There was subtle lounge music playing in the background for a more immersive experience. The rest of the Islanders were told stay away from the backyard to give the dates their privacy. Some of them looked on from the terrace (like Indi and Cameron).

"How are you feeling about this?"Indi asked Cameron as they both secretly watched Damian and Summer on their date.

"Well obviously im a little jealous but its not going to be hard for me to move on."said Cameron.

"Damn, so you're not even going to try to fight for him?"

"Me? Fight for a man? Girl, there are so much fish in the sea."

VC-Cameron-Damian and I have been two peas in a pod since we met in Casa Amor but....im not expecting him to commit to me just yet and im not going to commit to him either. We're still in the 'having fun' stage. I dont understand why people get possessive over someone they've known for only like a week. Couldnt be me. Damian's gonna have to give it to me real good for me to want to fight for him.

"Yummm, this looks really good!"said Summer as Damian placed both plates of food onto the table.

"So what we got here is some Puerto Rican delicacies. We got Mofongo which is mashed, fried plantains and then I made some Pinchos which is basically grilled chicken kabobs with barbecue sauce to the side."said Damian as he took his seat.

"Oh wow! I didn't know you were Puerto Rican. I thought you were a New Yorker."

"I am. I was born in New York but then I moved to Puerto Rico with my mom. I spent about ten years there and then I came back to the U.S when I was a teen."

"So thats how you're so skilled in the kitchen huh?"

"Yup, my mom and grandma taught me well."he laughed.

"Husband material for sure."Summer smiled.


"I am so sorry I burned the potatoes." Carmelo apologized to Aliyah as he placed both dishes onto the table.

She laughed, "How did that even happen?"

"I don't even know."he said as he sat down, "My mom's gonna be so pissed at me when she sees this. I can already hear her saying 'Melo, how you gon burn the damn potatoes boy? I thought I raised you better than that.'"

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