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continuation of day 41

11:43 am

As the Islanders were lounging around in the backyard, Alexa's phone went off.

Everyone perked up upon hearing the notification sound.

"Guys! I got a text!"she announced.

After everyone had gathered around her, she began reading the text out loud. It said-

 It said-

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"Oh no."Cameron said as she lowered her sunglasses.

VC-Cameron-I definitely know im doomed because Damian is being a pissy bitch right now because of our conversation last night. Just because im missing Dolph doesnt mean the booty's off limits D. You better choose wisely tonight.

VC-Bianca-There is a good possibility that I could be leaving tonight. I wont even be mad though. The show is almost over. I dont think there is anything left for me to do. Damian could choose to recouple with Cam. They have more romantic history than him and I so...I cant be mad at that.


"Adam! Can you come over here for a sec?"Jojo shouted out to AdamC who was walking past her.

She was sitting on the outdoor sofa next to Summer.

"Whats up?"he asked as he walked over to the both women and sat down.

"So...I just wanted to find out where your head is at for tonight. I know Alexa is your top priority but like....I dont know, I guess im kind of hoping that you'll at least consider coupling up with me."Jojo said.

"Well, you kind of hit the nail on the head with what you just said. She is my girlfriend and...if I dont recouple with her Jo, thats going to cause drama."

Jojo frowned, "Well, it was worth a shot."

"You're an amazing girl Jojo. But my hands are kind of full."Adam comforted.

"Yea I understand. Its fine. And thanks for being honest with me."

"Why are you so blinded by her? She cant be that good in bed can she?"Summer asked as she filed her nails, "She treats you like dirt. Are you forgetting about her infatuation with the other Adam?"

"It was just one kiss and he initiated it. As pissed as I was, im not going to let that wreck my relationship. Two years is too much."

"One kiss?"Summer said in shock, "Oh honey. You poor thing."

"They've had more than one kiss."said Jojo.

"Oh right, they kissed while I was at Casa Amor. Twice is a lot but again...I think its something we can work through. "

"They've kissed more than twice Adam. Hell, even when you guys got back to the Villa they were still kissing."said Summer, "You can ask anyone that came into the Villa after the Stick or Twist ceremony. Apparently Alexa seems to forget that everything is being filmed."

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