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Day 51

8:30 am

"Rise and shine everyone!"Liv said as she pulled open the blinds of the communal bedroom, letting in the early morning sunlight, "Its our last day here

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"Rise and shine everyone!"Liv said as she pulled open the blinds of the communal bedroom, letting in the early morning sunlight, "Its our last day here. Lets make the most of it!"

Finn sat upright on his bed. He looked over to Bayley who was still asleep.

"Can you guys believe this is it? Its our last day?"Bianca asked as she also sat upright on her bed.

"I felt like ive been here for a year."said Seth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, its been a pleasure getting to know all of you."Montez said.

"Damn Tez, dont be so dramatic. We got some time left."Liv said.

VC-Bayley-Today is the big day. Yes, the day that this experience comes to an end. Im feeling both excited and nervous because....im excited to leave the Villa with Finn but I think we all know that the real test is seeing if these relationships we formed is going to survive in the real world.

Unfortunately Bayley is right, today is the last day of Love Island and its going to be an extra eventful and emotional one for our couples. The final ceremony will be taking place later on tonight. In the meantime, the Islanders will be tasked with writing their Declarations of Love which they will have to read to their partners at the final ceremony.

Dean and Montez were seen sitting on the lounge chairs by the pool. They each had a pen and paper in hand to write their Declarations of Love.

Montez was busy scribbling away as Dean was seen staring up at the sky with the pen in his mouth.

"How much did you write so far?"Montez asked him.

"All I got is...my name and the topic. I was going to include the date but I dont even know it. Is it like the 8th of August or something?"

"My dude, its July."

"Shit, no way."Dean said as he wrote the word July on his paper, "Can I see what you wrote?"

"You cant copy off of me. Be original."

"Dude I dont even know what a Declaration of Love is."

"Its in the name."

"I'll give you fifty bucks to do mine."

"Man....no. This is where you gotta pour your heart out on a piece of paper for Liv. Write about how much she means to you. Get all up in your feelings!"

"Who even writes anymore? Using pens and papers is so out dated."

"Man you're distracting me."Montez said as he got up and walked away.

"I wonder if Seth will do it?"Dean muttered.

Speaking of Seth, how about we check in to see how he's doing with his Declaration of Love. Huh, strange, he seems to be co-writing it with Sasha....in the shower.....without any pens or paper.

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