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continuation of day 31

4:03 pm

After an extremely fun and entertaining challenge today, all 24 Islanders were now back at The Villa and let's just say...they didn't return in the same mood that they left with.

VC-Sasha-The Villa is the last place I want to be right now. I just had a massive curveball thrown at me. Apparently, Xyon isnt being honest with me and now also...I got some explaining to do to Bianca. Why does this shit always happen to me dude like....ugh. I can never catch a damn break. As soon as I find a bit of happiness.....shit has to hit the fan and that happiness gets taken away from me. I want to just pack my bags and leave right now. Theres no point in me being here.

Xyon and Sasha were seen sitting on the terrace. There was a thick wall of tension between the two. She had began mentally preparing for the worst since she had left the site of the challenge so at the moment, she wasnt hopeful.

"So....you said we had to talk. What do we have to talk about?"Sasha asked.


"I dont even know if I want to know what this is about to be honest."she cut him off, "I really hate feeling humiliated."


"Go on, tell me what you have to tell me and lets just get this over with."Sasha folded her arms.

"Well Sash...the truth is that...ive been getting to know another girl while ive been getting to know you too. But..you are my number one. What we have developed is so special. I really do fancy you and I would love to keep spending time with you."

"And....who is this other girl?"


Sasha amusingly smiled. It was almost like she wasnt even surprised.

"Im sorry that ive been getting close to her behind your back. I just knew that if I told you, there would be drama. I was going to tell you eventually. Im sorry you had to find out like this."

Sasha's eyes was glued to the Fijian evening sky. She couldn't bring herself to look at him.

The two sat in silence for time before Sasha spoke.

"When you said you were getting close to her...what do you mean?"she asked.

"We've been hanging out, talking about our lives. We...kissed a few times. But thats it."

"Listen.......im tired of this kind of shit."Sasha said to him, "Im not here to fight for anyone's attention. If you're interested in her Xyon, then just go fucking get her. Im done with this."

"Sasha come on-"

"No no no no no. Save it. Im tired of Mandy always being involved in my shit. If ya'll like each other then just go for it. I have no interest in competing with her. Im over it. I thought you were fucking different but you're just like those other idiots falling for that blond bitch's trap. Go after her Xyon. When she cheats on your ass you better not have shit to say!"

"So are you going to act like you and Carmelo didnt have something going on?"

"Carmelo and I didnt have shit going on! It was one dumb kiss and that was way before you and I got serious. I chose you over him. I could have been playing you but I didnt, you know why? Because im a fucking good person!"

"Sasha with all due respect, I think you're over reacting a bit. We're not in a relationship yet, we're still in the process of getting to know each other. Ive only been here for a week."

"Yea and I think I found out all that I needed to know about you. You're not what im looking for."

Xyon didnt respond.

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