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continuation of Day 1

"Hey, do you want to talk for a little bit?"Eva went over and asked Matt, interrupting his conversation with Indi.

"Sure."he happily said. He followed her over to one of the daybeds.

"So, obviously you know I have this decision to make tomorrow night. How would you feel if I chose to couple up with you?"

He grinned, "That would be sick. Like...I know it would suck for Indi but....honestly dude...I dont even think she's into me. Like, she stepped forward for every single guy that came out. I thought I was the special one but...I guess not."

"So you'd be okay with it?"

"Hell yea! Are you into me?"

Eva twisted her mouth,"Im.....open to getting to know you."


VC-Matt-Eva seems like a cool chick bro. Have you seen her hair? Its awesome!

VC-Eva-Matt is quite a unique individual. But by the looks of it, he's not too content with being in a couple with Indi because apparently she has eyes for all the guys. He'd be a safe bet for me for sure.

"Its been a long time hasnt it?"Eva said to Dean as she led him to one of the day beds.

For your information, this villa has a ton of daybeds so dont get confused. We have more daybeds than we have islanders.

"Long time since...what?"Dean asked.

They both sat on the day bed.

"Since we've seen each other?"

Dean furrowed his eyebrows, "Ive never seen you in my life. Unless we hooked up years ago and I cant remember. In that case...if I owe you money....then im not the guy you're looking for."

She playfully pushed him,"Dean, we were on Free Agents together. I was the girl with the red hair, remember?"

"There were like 10 girls with red hair on that show."

She laughed, "Anyway, I just wanted to get to know you a bit more because of this decision im going to have to make. I know you're dating Liv but...are you open to maybe venturing out a little bit?"

He shrugged, "I really dont think I have much of a choice. This is a game and whether I like it or not, we're here to play."

"Im not going to lie though, out of all the guys here, I find you the most interesting. You're just my type."

Dean scoffed, "Me? Your type? You need better taste darling."

"Oh come on. Do you even look at yourself in the mirror? Whats not to like?"

"Sometimes I forget that I own mirrors."

"Well...im looking forward to getting to know you a lot better...if thats okay with you."she said.

"I mean...sure, whatever."he said.

VC-Eva-I know Dean is a tough one to crack and his whole gimmick is being this indifferent, laid back guy but....im kind of drawn to that. We'll see where this goes.

VC-Dean-Eva is an obviously pretty girl. I dont trust the pretty ones. Anytime a pretty girl shows interest in me im like....what the hell is wrong with you. Im still trying to figure out whats wrong with Liv.


Ah, finally the sun had set, bringing the first day of Love Island closer to the end. This was one of the longest days ever if you ask me.

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