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All seven Islanders were standing on the lawn in a horizontal row looking like swimsuit models as the girls were all dressed in bikinis and the guys were simply wearing swim shorts. Beth stood in front of them. Adam was seen standing next to Alexa and Dean was seen standing next to Liv.

"So let me welcome you to the first official coupling up. As you can see, our real couples have already coupled themselves up because-well, obviously that was going to happen."said Beth, "So what im going to do now is bring out one of our single men. Ladies, if you're interested in that boy all you need to do is take one step forward. Alexa, Liv, that includes you too. Anyone that is interested in him, all you need to do is step forward, got it? Great, so let me bring out our first single guy, ladies, meet.....Matt!"

Making his entrance was a guy that seemed familiar to some of the islanders already. He was tall, muscular, had long, dirty blonde hair and sported a bright, wide grin as he strolled out on a scooter.

 He was tall, muscular, had long, dirty blonde hair and sported a bright, wide grin as he strolled out on a scooter

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VC-Riddle-Whats up bros, im Matt Riddle, you can just call me Riddle. Its way catchier. Im 30, im from Allentown, Pennsylvania. Im a pro boxer but I also work in a cannabis dispensary. Im very passionate about my job *laughs* I also grow a little on my own you know, for personal use.....I dunno man, im a really laid back guy....I take life one day at a time....I dont...feel the need to rush anything. I like letting things be as they are you know....When it comes to girls, I dont really have a specific type. Looks dont matter to me. Im all about personality. Because you know what, you can have the prettiest face but still be a shitty person. Im not about that. I want someone thats just....fun to be around you know? Someone that understands me. Someone thats easy going and free spirited and not afraid to be themselves. Someone like.....me. If I can find the girl version of myself then....that would be rad.

"Yo isnt that the stoner guy?"Dean quietly asked Sasha. She nodded.

"So ladies, if any of you are interested in Matt, please step forward."said Beth with Matt standing next to her.

About 5 seconds passed until a girl stepped forward. It was Indi. Only Indi.

"Wow, so just Indi? Bianca, why didnt you step forward?"asked Beth.

"No offence Matt but im just sticking it out to see who else may show up. I dont want to put all my eggs in one basket right now."said Bianca.

"No worries. Its cool."he smiled.

"You're right Bianca, we still have two more guys."said Beth, "But heres the thing Matt. Even though only Indi stepped forward, you can choose any of these women to couple up with. Even the ones that are already in couples."

Everyone's jaws dropped.

"Sweet!"Matt smiled.

VC-Liv-Wait so...I can potentially be taken away from Dean? Are you kidding?

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