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continuation of Day 49

4:00 pm

After the one on one conversations with the Islanders, the visitors wasted no time in getting comfortable around the Villa. After all, they had limited time so they had to make the most of it.

"So you're Sami huh?"Jey asked Sami as he was chatting with Jimmy.

"Thats what they call me! Nice to meet you finally. Your brother has told me all about you."Sami put his hand out for Jey to shake.

"Why you talking to this fool Jim?"Jey asked, ignoring Sami.

"What do you mean? Sami's cool as hell."Jimmy asked.

"You think I forgot about that tweet you made?"Jey asked Sami, "The hell is ucey?"

"Oh! That. Well Jey....ucey is something that...you're not."Sami responded.

"But what does it mean though?"

"I mean, my dawg Jimmy's ucey. Im ucey. Naomi's ucey. Roman's ucey. Bianca's ucey. But you...you're not ucey."

"The hell does that even supposed to mean!"Jey yelled.

Jimmy laughed, "Yo calm down man. Sami's dope. We've been hanging since we were in the airport to get here. He's a real one. By the way I invited him to the next family barbeque."

"But he aint family."Jey argued.

"It doesnt matter."Jimmy responded.

Sami and Jimmy then proceeded to do a handshake followed by a shoulder bump.

"What was that? Y'all got a handshake now?"Jey asked.

"Yea its kind of our own thing that we started."Sami said, "All good friends needs a cool handshake, am I right Jim?"Sami asked.

"My dawg."Jimmy responded.

"Thats his way of saying yeet. Yeet is another way of saying yes."Sami said to Jey.

Jey glared at Sami, "I know how my brother talks fool."


7:20 pm

After enjoying a cookout hosted by Jimmy and Jey, most of the Islanders and visitors were seen hanging out at the recoupling bench

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After enjoying a cookout hosted by Jimmy and Jey, most of the Islanders and visitors were seen hanging out at the recoupling bench. There was Jade, Leila, Bayley, Finn, Becky, Lana, Paige, Dean, Liv, Nikki and Seth.

"Honestly, who do you guys think is the strongest couple out of all of us."Jade asked the guests.

"Uh oh, we're entering dangerous territories there."Becky said.

"Im curious though."Jade said, "You guys know all the tea so I want to know what you think."

"I dont think any of you deserve to win."Nikki said, "All of you are toxic in your own way."

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