Part 15

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Me and pete walk through the door to the living room which is swarmed with people (not just hero's) we make our way through to the drink area and meet up with the others "hey Scott" Pete says spinning a man around who had light stubble around his face "hey pete, how've you been?" he says holding a small glass of alcohol "good, this is my girlfriend Kate" he says stepping to the side so he could see me "hi, nice to meet you" I say shaking his hsnd "you too" he says as a woman around the same age as Scott grabs his shoulder and moves him away "hi I'm hope, that one's wife" she says using her head to point to Scott "nice to meet you" I say as she passes me a glass, I look over to Pete whose with Scott and a guy who looks like an older ned. I walk over to a guy with a dark crimson jacket connecting his music "need help?" I say putting the drink down and crouching next to him "yeah, plug that in there and choose the first track on the album "space riders with no names" I do as he said and some 90s rock music starts playing "I'm Peter Quill" he says standing up and facing me "pete's told me about you" I say picking my drink up and sipping it "only good things I hope" he says chuckling nervously "wait you did good things?" I say jokingly getting a disappointed look from him "groot be careful!" he says looking over my shoulder "I'm not seeing things right, there's a sentient tree drinking a can of cider or am I going crazy" I say getting a full on laugh from him "no your not going nuts, that is a sentient tree drinking cider, I should probably stop him before he starts flirting with the non sentient earth plants" he says as his voice gets quicker and more high pitched as he speaks "see ya around" I say as he squeezes past me, I walk over to Bruce whose playing chess with a green guy with red tattoos (I know Drax is grey in the mcu but I said in part 14 that the guardians are the game versions so he's green now) "who are you?" I say getting the attention of the green man "I'm Drax, here's my card" he hands me a card which read "Drax(the destroyer)" it had a photo of him in the corner and a logo on the back "what's this for?" I say looking confused at it "Peter Quill said that we need business cards so people know who we are" he says as I pocket the card "OK then" I say before hearing some kinda jet pack outside and faint voices, the doors swing open and reveal 2 men one with a metal arm and one with mechanical bird wings "I swear Sam if you fly that fast while holding me again I'll rip your wings off" the metal arm guy says "OK grandad" the other man says as his wings retract into a metal backpack looking thing on his back "hey guys!" Steve says walking over to them and hugging both of them "good to see you Steve" Sam says walking over to me "hi I'm Sam nice to meet you" he says grabbing a drink from behind me "I heard about what you and Clint did on the news, impressive" he says clinking glasses with me "thanks" I say shyly "I'm bucky" the guy with the metal arm said using his right arm to shake my hand, I shake his before getting a message

You don't mind if I bring a sword right?

Fine, just don't stab anyone... Again

will do, see you soon sweetie

I laugh to myself before feeling petes arm wrap around me and kiss my neck "hey sweetheart" I say spinning around and kissing him "sweetheart huh" he says sipping a drink "your not the only one who gets a flirty nickname" I say wrapping my arms around his neck "Jack's on his way" I say changing the subject "please tell me he won't accidentally stab someone" he says spinning around to grab his drink before facing me again.


About 2 hours into the party I hear a jet outside and instantly know who it is "I'll be right back" I say to Kate before going out the compound to greet them "hey Pete, ya miss me" Shuri says running up to me and hugging me "great to see you" I say as t'challa exits the jet "it's good to see you again Peter" he says wrapping an arm around mine while the other was in a sling "what happened?" I say as we separate "that's not important now, let's go join the party" we walk in, I rejoin Kate as mj comes up to me "Pete I hate you so much" she says in a hushed tone "what did I do?" I say looking at her "you know I have a maybe not so subtle crush on Shuri and now I'm at a party with her" she says as me and Kate burst out laughing "I'm sorry" I say laughing "just talk to her, what's the worst that could happen" Kate says sipping her drink "she kills me" we laugh again "go on she's right there" ned says entering our conversation "uggggh fine" she says before going over to Shuri "hey Pete" Gamora says walking over to us "hey gam, how're you?" I say downing my drink "good, you?" she says as a rainbow beam of light blasts in the middle of the room, the guests scream before seeing thor and cheering "hey everyone, Ive got loki!" he says as loki waves at us "hello midguardians" he walks over to us and hugs me and shakes kates hand "my oaf of a brother told me about your girlfriend" I laugh at him calling thor an oaf "hi I'm Kate" he nods towards her before going over to Bruce and Drax who are playing chess.


I hear Jack's car outside and go out to greet him "hello sweetie" he says as he hugs me "remember no stabbing people" I say as we walk inside, he immediately starts showing off his sword skills to the guests "why am I not surprised" Clint says crossing his arms and standing next to me "cause its jack" I say which makes us laugh, he grabs 2 ciders and hands me one, I see yelena sat in the corner alone, I'm about to go up to her and talk but I see Pete go up to her and they end up dancing together "Clint, you filming this?" I say surprised at how good of a dancer Pete is "blackmail here we come" Clint says pulling his phone out and recording Pete and yelena dancing "nat look" I hear Sam say pointing out Pete dancing "I taught him that" she says taking a sip from her vodka, an orange sparkly portal appears and out comes 2 men "cmon wong" a man says wearing a blue suit with a red cloak over his shoulders "I'm coming I'm coming" a shorter man comes out wearing a deep red suit "Stephen!, great to see you!" Tony says Greetings the taller man (should I write an ironstrange story at some point?) the shorter man introduces himself as wong and the other guy whose name is Stephen "there are drinks over there if you guys are thirsty and snacks on the table" Scott says butting in "thanks" Stephen says floating over, I take a sip from my drink and go over to Pete but accidentally trip someone up "I'm so sorry, I should've looked where I was" she's roughly 15-16 dark hair and wearing a red and blue dress with a yellow lightning shaped pin on the shoulder "what's your name?" I say helping her up "k-kamala, kamala kahn" she says before letting me pass "it was nice meeting you kamala" I say before reaching Pete "I'm exhausted, I'm gonna go find natasha" yelena says going over to where all the others were "care for a dance?" he says outstreching his hand, I take it and he pulls me close, I wrap my arm under his arm and over his shoulder as we sway back and forth slowly, he outstretched his arm and I spin my self outward while still gripping his hand (I don't know how to describe dancing) he pulls his arm back to him which makes me spin back into his arms "your a great dancer" he says pecking my cheek "not too bad yourself" he says before grabbing my waist and lowering me down before lifting me up and leaving small kisses along my neck "how bout we take this somewhere more private" I say letting my hair flow down my shoulders "sounds like a great idea" he says picking me up bridal style and carrying me to our room so we could do...Stuff.

Sorry if the ending feels rushed and sorry to anyone who wants smut, if you wanted smut read something else, anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas let me know.

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